Monday, September 25, 2006

Yah Boo Yahrooh!

Nanny never ceases to interfere in our daily lives, no matter how old you are Nanny always finds a way to step in and try to take control.

Recently Nanny's chums from Avon and Somerset police decided that it would be a good idea to start a new campaign to fight hate crime in schools.

The campaign's title just slips off the tongue, "Everyone is Different, It's Not a Crime". Nanny believes, quite rightly, that people should not be victimised because of their faith, race, sexual orientation or disability.

In the past it would simply be a matter for the parents and teachers to "pull little Jimmy's ear" when he was making a pain of himself to Fatty Jenkins of the Lower Fourth. However, now such issues are deemed worthy of state intervention, and every secondary school in the Avon and Somerset police area has been made to sign up to the "True Vision" set of principles.

"True Vision", how very Orwellian!

Needless to say, this campaign is based on Nanny's warped view of the world; as such children will be proactively encouraged to report "hate crime".

In other words children will be trained to "snitch" on their comrades. Those of you who still remember school will surely recall that the class "snitch" never prospered. However, by training children to "snitch" to the state Nanny is preparing them for adulthood when they will be acting as her spies in the street.

In addition to training a whole legion of state informants, Nanny will also be ensuring that what might seem like harmless playground words can in fact become a hate crime.

The "initiative" was launched by Home Office Policing Minister Tony McNulty and Avon and Somerset Chief Constable Colin Port.

Det Insp Mark Rolfe, who is responsible for dealing with hate crime across the force, said:

"We believe that hate crime may well have gone unreported

in schools in the past

and there may be victims who have never had the support of the criminal justice system

Nanny will set up a 24 hour phone line for "hate crimes" to be reported, people (ie children) caught using threatening or offensive language or behaviour can be charged and taken to court.

The maximum punishment for such an offence is six months in prison or a £5,000 fine.

So, if Jenkins minor calls Braithwaite a "four eyed fat git" does that constitute a hate crime?

I just don't see this working!

Children will be taught to inform on others and to let the state fight their battles for them, thus making them less able to face the real world.


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Well to see 60 million people living in total harmony would indeed be interesting. Surely the more cost effective way to stop the kids upsetting each other would be to administer drugs ... oh, they do that already don't they.

    Why nanny has never pursued Aldous Huxley's SOMA idea as the solution to this new fangled Hate Crime concept I simply don't understand. What better way to ensure that all are dumbed down to a consistent level? State developed and adminstered as well. Central control! Do these people not read?

    Put drugs on the streets I say, and make them compulsory, er, man.

    Nice to see that the police are doing their bit to prevent their actions appearing to be hate crimes, according to today's press, by advising Muslim leaders when a raid is about to take place in their community.

    In the quest for equality I assume that all raids will be pre-announced now. So if they are going to raid a property looking for stolen goods, who do they call? And if they don't call, could they be reported for generating a hate crime?

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    At school, I was victimised for being:

    a) Skinny
    b) A four-eyed git
    c) Preferring books to sport
    d) Beeing a leetle more intelligent than the average
    e) Being a scholarship boy at a public school

    The ones who tried to physically abuse me acknowledged their error when I fought back. I didn't always win, but even when I lost I persuaded the bullies it wasn't worth it.

    The ones who stuck to verbal abuse gave up when they found I had a larger and more fluent vocabulary than they.

    I actually ended up very good friends with some of the supposed bullies when we reached the 5th and 6th forms - some are friends still.

    They did a thing called "growing up."

    Hate? Naah - kids latch on to anyone who's different in any way.

    Crime? Forget it.

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    big al said:

    "Hate? Naah - kids latch on to anyone who's different in any way.

    Crime? Forget it. "

    Spot on.

    My own observations suggest it can be a two way thing when it becomes tribal, in the sense of groupings accoridng to interests and culture. Sometimes one is inside and sometimes one is outside - constant flux within the group that mostly settles down in the mid to late teens.

    Mind you that's for boys. The females seem to carry on vacillating on friendships for years!

  4. Anonymous1:01 AM

    But ain't it amazing? I've lost count of the fights I had in my teens - and I never started one of them.

    I'm in my mid-40s now, and I've walked through the middle of pitched street brawls without a finger being laid on me. Some have stopped while I walked through.

    The fact is that I made myself not a victim! I was beaten plenty of times in my youth; I just made sure I made every blow tell. That gave me confidence, and after a while I didn't have to fight any more.

    What I hate about Nanny is she thinks she can wrap her mewling infants up in swaddling so that nothing can ever hurt them. You end up with twenty-somethings as callow as I was at age 12, ready to be predated on by anyone who doesn't buy into Nanny's rose-tinted vision; and they never learn to break out.

    I hate this insipid airy-fairy land!

  5. Anonymous2:02 AM

    I hope right thinking people just jam up the hotline with assinine and spurious calls.

    Send nanny's minions around in ever diminishing circles, like the legendary ooli-goolie bird.

    Flying around in circles, till it flies up it's own ass.

  6. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Er Avon and Somerset police eh? Isn't that the force who refused to give chase to the theif when a lad had his motor bike stolen in Bath recemtly?

    How wonderful... the Precious Plods of Somerset and Avon will not try to catch actual criminals but are happy to crimininalise children,snitched on by their classmates, for name calling.How about these children being taught to turn the other cheek? In my day we were just told to 'run away and play' if we complained about childish banter

  7. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I love the idea that the kids will all act as responsible citizens, regretfully fingering only those who deserve the full weight of the law.

    Of course, none of them will grass up someone they've just fallen out with, or to whom they owe money, or to whom they've just taken a scunner for whatever reason.

  8. Avon & Somerset Police, hmmm... aren't these the shower who, in Nanny's world of anti-discrimination, are recruiting ethnic amd coloured police officers in favour of white indigenous police officers? If I am recalling correctly, I believe that the case is going to the Employment tribunals. Says it all really, doesn't it?

    I just wish that coppers these days spent as much attention to catching nasty crooks who break into our houses and steal our possessions we have worked so hard to afford, than they do to running around pandering to Blair's silly relentless policies and "visions"!!

    Oh, and is the Labour Party conference painful to listen to these days - so much so I switch the news off now when it is being mentioned. Hearing these people speak you would have no any idea of the extreme mess they have got this country into!!
