Thursday, November 02, 2006

Useless Prats

Congratulations to the good people of the Cheshire police, who demonstrated a degree of incompetence that is truly breathtaking and well deserving of my Prats of The Week Award.

The police were tipped off about a robbery due to take place at a jeweller's shop. Uniformed officers were dispatched to the scene of the intended crime, with orders to park their patrol car opposite the shop, lock it and leave.

Yes, you did read that correctly!

Lock the car up, and leave.

Seemingly the commanders of Cheshire police hoped that the "high visibility" strategy would scare away raiders.

Er, guess what?

They were wrong.

Three armed men pulled up in Alderly Edge, Cheshire, saw the empty patrol car and carried out the raid. They escaped with watches and jewellery worth an estimated £500,000.

Henry Johnstone, the owner, condemned the police response as "woefully inadequate" and "ludicrous".


"I'm astonished that police did not do more to protect my business,

customers and staff.

They should have been on hand

Assistant Chief Constable David Baines, of Cheshire Police, said "a review" of its action was being carried out.


"I regret that an offence did occur."

Well done lads!

I would like to send you my "Prats of The Week Award", but am worried that it might be stolen from you.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The British cop is the most useless form of life on the planet.

    I suppose the cops in this case were too busy investigating cases of "racism" against 14 year old girls. Perhaps they were arresting soccer-mommies for not wearing a seatbelt properly.

    Maybe they were doing really, really important stuff, like prosecuting Global Warming Holocast deniers.

    What a bunch of useless tits. Unbelievable.

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    surprising that the Robbers did not take the opportunity to borrow the said car!

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    It's a real pity they didn't. Or perhaps nicking the wheels and leaving the squad car perched on piles of bricks...

  4. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Are you quite sure this was Cheshire Constabulary and not the Keystone Cops?

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I think everyone is being a bit harsh, with their onboard computers, squad cars are about the most intelligent things in the Cheshire police force so they did have their best brains on the case. I hear that this car was up for promotion to Chief Constable, the previous Chief having taken earlier retirement on health grounds due to a paper cut, but obviously its screwing up of this case might let one of the outsiders in, the photocopier or the doughnut vending machine.

  6. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "I hear that this car was up for promotion to Chief Constable, but obviously its screwing up of this case might let one of the outsiders in, the photocopier or the doughnut vending machine."

    They would do a better job than the present Chief Constable!
