Tuesday, February 06, 2007


EducashunNanny announced her much vaunted shake up in educashun yesterday; aside from a rather "eclectic" mix of new subjects such as, global warming and Urdu, the new curriculum also includes a few other "ideas".

Structured timetables are to be abandoned, and pupils will be given the chance to mark their friends' work as well as their own.

Oh yes, that's a corker of an idea!

Pupils will also have to complete 12 key 'life skills', this includes making a 50 mile unaccompanied journey by bus or train.

Erm...isn't learning how to use the train or bus something that parents are meant to teach their children?

Well, I think the most appropriate phrase that can describe this new curriculum is:



  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Our local senior school- due to a lack of maths teachers - is having to teach maths in classes of 60 pupils, that coupled with these 'new ideas' is making education in this country a joke.

    Shouldn't they concentrate on producing pupils that can read, write and converse in English?

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    bliar's third nipple said...
    "Shouldn't they concentrate on producing pupils that can read, write and converse in English? "

    The last thing a Nanny State wants is a population that has not been subjected to educational Prozac. Much better they are incapable of communicating about anything - except the prescribed subject. Celebrity, the ability to be 'informed' about but not understand the background to the 'Scare du jour' and then fashion for the girls and football for the lads.

    At the Beta level the lads can substitute Rugby for soccer. The girls may discuss health and associated fads.

    Alphas can ignore all of those subjects, when in private, and simply watch and enjoy the effects the policies have on the 'others'.


  3. I wonder if the government will pay for the train journeys and will the journey cover how long it takes to wait for a train you will never get a seat on.

  4. Anonymous5:32 PM

    wow that is going to help solve global warming - every 16 year old in the country, ever year making a 50 mile journey!

  5. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "wow that is going to help solve global warming - every 16 year old in the country, ever year making a 50 mile journey!"

    Aw, not if they get on their bikes!

  6. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Of course really this is just about training for what to excpect when employed in later life.

    I would imagine that Health and Safety will insist on the kids being accompanied as well ...

    Who thought this up? And which planet to they live on?

    If much younger kids can fly around the world without a passport what makes these Newarks think that a 50 mile journey is worthwhile in any way? The more I think about this the less credible any of it seems.

    Can we be sure that we haven't just missed a very obscure sense of humour here?

