Monday, February 12, 2007


One in three households across Britain is now dependent on the state for at least half its income.

Over seven million households are getting most of their income from government handouts.

Nanny is buying votes, and turning us into a nation of beggars with our hands outstretched.


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Makes me wonder sometimes why I bother to work I recommend to anyone to read Terry Goodkind's "Faith of the Fallen", which shows just where this kind of misguided largesse could end up. If it already hasn't that is.

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    The trouble is Ken that the cost of living is too high. I work full time and just about manage to keep my head above water after Rent, council tax, heating etc. My family and I have very little luxuries so I just have to keep working hard for a low wage. Just like millions of others.

    I have no chioce but to claim Housing benefit and tax credits, either that or go bust. It is a shamefull state of affairs which I feel very bitter about. I have no hope whatsoever of owning my own home because it is our of my league. Ten years ago when house prices in my area where a third of what they are now I'd of had no problem. Like you say it is the governments way of making a huge proprotion of the populace reliable on the state. This, is the socialist way, and this Britian is a Socialist state. Soon we will all be living in run down houses because if we make them look decent we will be charged more tax. This is what the bastards want. Stand up Britain, this could be our last chance.

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I 'fess up to being such a person, we get child benefit, tax credit and little vouchers for free milk for the baby...on top of my wages. I now work 14 hours a week but We have the same income as when I worked 40 hours a week - sadly it's more like 10k a year than the 25k the media would have you believe us feckless benefit scum live on. Perhaps we need more kids.....

  4. Anonymous1:10 PM


    Does this 1 in 3 include the ever growing burden of drivel servants (numbering as high as 1 in 2 of all employed in some parts of the country I hear)? Do you have some references to the numbers?

    The reason I ask is I have a friend overseas who is desperate to leave a nice country to come and live here. She does not believe me when I tell her the rotten state this socialist dump is in. I'd like to save her the trip!

  5. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I recently had to give up work because of Nanny's child stealing tactics.

    Result is I'm now getting £50-70 per week more than when I was earning 15k per year.
