Monday, September 07, 2015

Charity Scam

Way back in July I mused about whether "charities" were really "charities" or in fact businesses.

It seems clear to me that most are in fact businesses, as verified by reports that The Information Commissioner's Office is looking into claims that an 87-year-old man's personal details were sold or passed on by charities up to 200 times.

The BBC recently reported that that Samuel Rae, who has dementia, lost £35,000 after his information ended up with scammers.

How did the scammers get his information?

The information was passed to charities when Mr Rae filled in a survey, but did not tick a box stating that he did not want his personal details shared.

Former army colonel Mr Rae is said to have been contacted by and asked for money by charities more than 730 times after his data was repeatedly sold.

Call me "picky", but that in my view is harassment of the worst sort!

Charities contacted him for up to five years after he had asked them to stop, with some requesting money as many as 38 times in a year.

Steve Eckersley, of the Information Commissioner's Office, said:
"If charities are buying and selling personal information without any thought of the wishes of the people involved, it suggests not only a disregard for the law, but also a disconnect with the supporters whose generosity they rely on."

Many charities have morphed into businesses, and have lost sight of what they were created to do and who they are meant to serve.

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  1. Lord of Atlantis6:29 PM

    If I was being pestered like that, I'd soon be telling them to "go away!" but nowhere near as politely as I've wrote it here! Neither am I afraid to say "No!" Unfortunately, many people, especially those with dementia and the elderly are in no position to do this, and so are easy targets for the unscrupulous.

    Steve Eckersley, of the Information Commissioner's Office, said:
    "If charities are buying and selling personal information without any thought of the wishes of the people involved, it suggests not only a disregard for the law, but also a disconnect with the supporters whose generosity they rely on."

    (Ken) : "Many charities have morphed into businesses, and have lost sight of what they were created to do and who they are meant to serve."

    So very true! Don't they realise that such practices will alienate the very people whom they rely on? If they carry on like this they will be killing the goose that lays the golden eggs!

  2. Coming home on the train a few years ago and slightly the worse for wear from a night on the town I spotted an advert asking for a £3 donation to help rehome stray dogs. Being a dog lover (they can't touch you for it) I texted them £3 and was bombarded for about a year afterwards with texts and phone calls asking for donations to loads of different charities. Needless to say I have not repeated the gesture so their hectoring of me has had a negative effect. However I'm a (relatively) intelligent person with, as far as I know, no dementia and can deal with such a bombardment. I pity this poor man who had this happen to him.
