Wednesday, September 16, 2015

US Nanny Arrests Schoolboy For Homemade Clock

Sadly in the USA, levels of paranoia about terrorism have reached new heights as Ahmed Mohamed can attest to.

Ahmed, a 14 year old student at MacArthur High in Irving, took a homemade clock to school to show his teachers.

Unfortunately, instead of being impressed, the school phoned police about Ahmed’s circuit-stuffed pencil case. The police duly arrived, and took Ahmed, in handcuffs, to juvenile detention.

Police are now considering charging him with making a hoax bomb, even though they have acknowledged that he told everyone that it’s a clock.

Call me picky here, but if the police/school really thought it was a bomb, why the hell didn't they evacuate the school and call bomb disposal?

This sounds like a bunch of people, having realised that they have made fools of themselves, now desperately trying to cover their own backsides. 
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  1. Lord of Atlantis4:56 PM

    "Police are now considering charging him with making a hoax bomb, even though they have acknowledged that he told everyone that it’s a clock."

    No way! They should apologise to Ahmed for the appalling manner in which he has been treated. Can't see it happening though: the authorities hate admitting that they are in the wrong!

    It is this kind of behaviour that creates problems, such as young Muslims being susceptible to radicalisation. Far from resolving trouble, it's highhandedness like this that causes problems!

  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Dear Mr Frost

    This proves who the real terrorists are: government and all its enforcement agencies.

    On another note, what's the difference between government and organised crime?


  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Have you seen the 'clock' - circuitboard etc.
    Have you read of his father's activity?
    If he tried to take the 'clock' to the white house there would be guns drawn.
