Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Nanny Bans Rugby Tackle

Tomkinson's Schooldays Part 1 by natchezoo
As part of her ongoing efforts to eliminate any form of challenge, stimulation and sport in kids' lives Nanny has decreed that rugby tackles are far too dangerous and should be banned.

The BBC reports that over 70 doctors and academics are calling for a ban on tackling in rugby matches played in UK and Irish schools.

In an open letter to ministers, they say injuries from this "high-impact collision sport" can have lifelong consequences for children.

They argue two thirds of injuries in youth rugby and most concussions are down to tackles and urge schools to move to touch and non-contact rugby.

Once you remove the tackle from rugby, you have in effect emasculated the game.

I used to have to play rugby at school, I absolutely loathed it and was utterly useless at it. However, those who wish to play it should be allowed to do so.

Once Nanny has banned rugby, she will move on to other sports and competitive games. Thereby eliminating all challenges, risks and stimulation from kids' lives!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries


  1. I played a lot of rugby as a youngster and young adult.
    Sadly, for me, I was born too early and therefore a professional rugby career was not an option back then.

    If Nanny stops contact rugby in state schools, the sport will be even more dominated by privately educated players which, in itself will upset Nanny.

    I heard one especially dozy woman, yes its usually women who want to feminise males, who suggested that by letting kids play rugby you were infringing their human rights...FFS!

    I bet those in the southern hemisphere are laughing their rocks off at this latest wizard wheeze from Nanny.

  2. I would like a ban on gobby experts in nothing, there are far too many of them. They should be ignored and then restrained.

  3. I would like a ban on gobby experts in nothing, there are far too many of them. They should be ignored and then restrained.

  4. When did doctors ditch their remit and become a pressure group?

  5. Why don't these "experts" just wrap these kids in blankets and bottle-feed them? It is, after all, the next logical step.

  6. Lord of Atlantis1:45 PM

    "I used to have to play rugby at school, I absolutely loathed it and was utterly useless at it. However, those who wish to play it should be allowed to do so."

    I was utterly useless at Rugby too, Ken! However, I would not dream either then or now of suggesting that the game, or any aspect of it, should be banned! Many gain great pleasure from Rugby, my late father included. He played the game himself in his younger days, and also watched Rugby on tv

    Tonk said: "I heard one especially dozy woman, yes its usually women who want to feminise males, who suggested that by letting kids play rugby you were infringing their human rights...FFS!"

    What about the human rights of those who WANT to play Rugby?

    Tonk also said: "I bet those in the southern hemisphere are laughing their rocks off at this latest wizard wheeze from Nanny."

    No doubt one reason they are far superior to us at the game is because they ignore this kind of bovine excrement!

  7. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Cripes; there seems to be a lot of us who were dragged out onto the Rugby field for the ritual 90 minutes of filth, pain and loathing. I think that the benefits of my private schooling are mainly that it put me off team sports and communal showering for ever!

    The silly government have got things wrong again: undoubtedly Rugger can be harmful (I wonder what cannot potentially be harmful?), but that IS not the problem. The problem revolves around the word "compulsory". There should be compulsory sports for all children, but the children should be allowed to choose (Rugger, Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Cricket, Softball, and so on)rather than compulsory Rugger.

    "Human Rights" is a fairly airy-fairy term that should be confined to areas where it does some good such as stopping women being stoned to death, and has bugger all to do with sport at schools.

    Richmond Mathewson.

    1. Lord of Atlantis1:44 PM

      Quite agree with you, Richard!
