Tuesday, March 08, 2016

USA Nanny Suspends Firefighters For Saving Child's Life

My sympathies to the good people of the USA, it seems that your Nanny is every bit as daft our our Nanny.

Metro reports that two volunteer firefighters (Captain James Kelley and Sergeant Virgil Bloom of the Falmouth Volunteer Fire Department in Fredericksburg) were suspended after they transported an 18-month-old girl to hospital in a fire engine, an act which ultimately saved her life.

They were the first responders to a call of a child having a seizure near a branch of McDonald’s. When the firefighters arrived, the girl was limp but still breathing. She had another seizure upon arrival at hospital, but quickly recovered.

Unfortunately Kelley and Bloom were suspended because, their fire engine is licensed as a ‘non-transport unit’ and doesn’t have the proper equipment that an ambulance would have.

Should they have let the child die then?

Hat tip to the loyal reader who sent me the story.

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  1. Tonk.2:24 PM

    Sadly, The USA under Saint Barrack of Obey Me has become just like Europe.
    He is a leftie and a so called liberal just like our leaders. Just look at the mess and discontent he's caused with his Obama care policy.

    These firefighters should receive commendations not condemnations....Still, in Nanny's world, rules is (sic) rules.

  2. Lord of Atlantis1:35 PM

    Tonk said: " He is a leftie and a so called liberal just like our leaders. Just look at the mess and discontent he's caused with his Obama care policy."

    In my experience, "liberals" and those who claim to be "liberal" are generally those most intollerant of the views of others!

    Tonk also said: "These firefighters should receive commendations not condemnations....Still, in Nanny's world, rules is (sic) rules."

    I couldn't agree with you more, TonK! I suppose those who suspended Captain Kelly and Sergeant bloom would have preferred them to have done nothing, and let the child die? Bloody jobsworths!
