Monday, April 24, 2017

Happy Speeding Fine Day!

Happy speeding fine day folks!

The BBC reports that today speeding fines have gone up.

Under new guidelines, fines for drivers caught doing 51mph in a 30mph zone or 101mph on a motorway will start from 150% of weekly income, rather than the previous level of 100%.
The Sentencing Council said it wanted a "clear increase in penalty" as the seriousness of offending increases.

The new Band C fines will allow the worst offenders to face fines of between 125 and 175% of their weekly income - with the starting point for magistrates in most cases set at 150%.

The maximum fine, however, remains the same, meaning a speeding driver cannot be fined more than £1,000 unless the offence takes place on a motorway, where the limit is £2,500.

A nice little earner for Nanny!

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