Thursday, June 15, 2017

Question Re Fire Safety Procedures

I have a genuine question regarding fire safety procedures in blocks of flats.

When I was a kid, we were always told to immediately leave the building when the fire alarm sounded. When and why was this advice changed to "remain in your flat"?

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  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    New buildings (2001 onwards?) are designed and constructed to be fireproof. Concrete raft floors, concrete walls and fire-resistant plasterboard, four-hour fire doors ans so on. Little or no wood, no flammable cladding, so very little to burn. So much safer to stay put and trust the fire doors than join a stampede down stairs crowded with people and their valuables: the Fire Brigade will soon get the fire sorted.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    bloke in spain

    June 15, 2017 at 8:07 am
    I watched the videos in amazement. I spent years ensuring the buildings in multiple occupation I worked on were compartmentalised. That any fire stayed in the room it started in. Door closers on every habitable room. Intumescent gaskets where services penetrated fire check partitions. The one fire I know about, in a building I worked, on stayed in the room it started in.

    re-posted from Tim Worstall

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    They should stop praising the fire brigade as being heroes (a term that is vastly overused for people doing the jobs that they are trained and paid for), and start asking some serious questions.

    Try opening a business premises, or a HMO as mentioned above, and you will soon receive an unwanted visit from your local fire service, arrogantly demanding entry to your building and insisting that various expensive, and often unwarranted work be carried out on the threat that they will ‘shut you down’ if you do not comply.

    Why did they pass this building as safe?

    Try doing the most mundane building work to your own home and you will be visited by council building inspectors whose recommendations have to fought and invariably overturned after several expensive appeals.

    Why did they pass the building as safe?
