Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Nanny's Victorian Values - Scarlet Fever Makes a Comeback!

Despite an all pervasive Nanny state, that lectures from dawn til dusk about our health, lifestyles, eating, drinking etc it seems we are not actually getting any healthier.

In fact, in certain areas, we appear to be reverting to Victorian levels of health.

It transpires that the UK is in the grip of a Scarlet Fever outbreak. As per ZeroHedge scarlet fever cases are now at 50-year-high sparking concerns for researchers, as they are baffled as to how “Victorian-era” diseases are making a comeback.

Scarlet fever hit its highest level in England for 50 years, with more than 17,000 cases reported in 2016 according to research in the Lancet. The infection is most common in children under the age of 10 and although highly contagious (being spread easily with a cough) is easily cured with a round of antibiotics. But that, in and of itself, raises concerns of the disease becoming resistant to antibiotics, creating a global pandemic.

Doctors are urging the public to be aware of symptoms, which include a rosy rash, and seek help from their doctor. Data for 2017 suggests the rate of infection may be falling, but experts remain cautious, saying it is “too early to tell.” Normally, first world nations have a better chance of handling an outbreak such as this, but England is on the verge of losing control over this scarlet fever outbreak.

“We are concerned – it’s quite a dramatic rise,” said Dr. Theresa Lamagni, head of streptococcal surveillance at Public Health England, who led the study.

Well then, instead of advancing we appear to be heading back to the good old days!

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