Friday, December 01, 2017

Nanny's Booze Guidelines Are Bollocks!

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  1. I have to agree about these ridiculous 'guidelines' generated by a number of prohibitionist lunatics in collusion with people who wilfully ignore scientific data.

    1. As if lowering the 'guidelines' from 21 to 14 units a week for men will make any jot of difference to people's habits. Even more comically most beer, wine and spirits on sale in shops are still showing the old 'guidelines'.

      As Ken said, these guidelines are a complete load of bollocks made up by a bunch of do-gooders who ignore scientific data.

      All I can say is screw these 'guidelines'.

  2. I suspect it has nothing to do with Science, just being as big an nuisance as they can for the sake of it. bring back good governance, it is a long time since we saw any, just tyrany!

  3. Is it not a crime that a chancellor funds from tax the falsified"evidence" of the control lobby?
