Monday, May 21, 2018

Childhood Obesity Figures Are Bollocks!

As per Christopher Snowdon:
"I argued last month that Britain’s childhood obesity statistics are worthless. They are based on an unjustifiable assumption about the scale of child obesity in 1990 and that error has plagued every subsequent measurement. A flawed methodology has led to the number of obese children being greatly exaggerated.

I suggested that the true number is less than half that suggested by the official statistics. We are told that one in five children are obese by the time they leave primary school. I believe that the true figure is closer to one in twenty and I have the evidence to back me up.

To recap, the normal body mass index (BMI) cut-off of 30+ does not work for children so we have to improvise. The current British system defines children as obese if they have a BMI that would have put them in the heaviest five per cent of their age group in 1990.

Were five per cent of children obese in 1990? No. How many children were obese in 1990? We don’t know, but we do know that barely one per cent of 18 year olds were obese and we know that obesity tends to increase with age, so it seems certain that fewer than two per cent of children were obese in 1990."
Nanny's figures are bollocks.

The reason that she still uses them is because they suit her purposes, and they enable her to bully people!

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1 comment:

  1. Expat in Canada6:52 PM

    Defining obesity as the top 5% is nonsense. If, for example, we had a severe famine and everyone was emaciated, then using that definition, there would still be 5% of the population being obese.

    I realise it is difficult to precisely define obese for anyone, particularly children, but this "method" is frankly useless.

    Basing it on, say, percentage of body fat might make more sense.
