Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Nanny Bans Big Cocks and Large Breasted Birds

Butcher Pete Lymer with the sign outside J W Ash & Son in Leek 

My sympathies to Pete Lymer, who runs J W Ash & Son butchers in Ball Haye Street Leek, who has run afoul of Nanny.

It seems that his blackboard advertising ‘big breasted birds', ‘big cocks’ and 'horny sausages' has upset someone.

Police have told him to tone it down.

Pete is quoted by Stoke On Trent Live:
"We've put the signs out for years and it's always been a bit of a laugh.

Just after Christmas apparently somebody complained to the police, saying it was offensive.

Last month a lady from the police came in and asked if we could pull our sign in. And a bobby came in last Thursday. They're just doing their job so I'm not annoyed with the individuals."
Now what is interesting is that the police deny there was a complaint, but say they were warning Pete lest someone in the future takes offence.

A Staffordshire Police spokesman said:
"We’ve received no complaints about signage outside J W Ash and Son butchers in Leek.

However, the local Chief Inspector for the Moorlands did advise the owner to give careful consideration to what was written on the boards in case anyone took offence. No other action has been taken."
Therefore, if no one has complained, why are the police sticking their noses into this??

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  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Rather as they stuck their noses in to have Markus Meechan prosecuted for posting a joke video - despite there having been no complaints. All about control of a demoralised, obedient public. The UK has sleepwalked into a police state.

  2. The humourless nanny state.

  3. To save them having the hard work....catching motorists doing 2mph over the limit. I did notice the other day, that following the weekend London shootings the Police are to start a new Cyber Crimes Team, relevant or not!!!
