Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Work of God

The Work of GodNanny has always held that she is a principled, and moral, lady who is doing God’s work on earth. However, as the stresses and strains of office start to wear her down, she has developed a rather more assertive religious outlook on life in her old age.

After all, fighting evil around the world does tend to make you think about the meaning of life; doesn’t it? Especially when you associate with Christian fundamentalists.

It has been the case, for many years, that the Scottish Calvinists have held the upper hand at Nanny’s court.

However, in recent years Blairy, through the influence of his Catholic wife, has sought spiritual comfort in the teachings of Rome; he was even reported to have communed with the Pope himself.

This thawing of relations with Rome has led Nanny to conclude that maybe the Calvinist influence needs to be taken in hand, and a more balanced government created.

Just such an opportunity arose with the recent Cabinet reshuffle, following David “trail without jury” Blunkett’s departure.

The position of Education Secretary became free.

Nanny immediately thought of her old friend Ruth Kelly for the role. Not only does Ms Kelly have children, she is a Catholic; in fact she is a member of Opus Dei.

This appointment would reign in the influence of the Calvinists. Needless to say Nanny, in her haste, did not bother to check this organisation out.

Opus Dei is rather an interesting organisation; it is, one might almost say, an organisation within an organisation.

In order to belong to it, you must be Catholic; however, you must be a “special type” of Catholic.
Opus Dei was founded by Josemaria Escriva in 1928. He had, shall we say, some rather forthright views on many issues; on women, for instance, he said:

"You should be like a carpet where people can step onto".

Escriva then went on to describe the “ideal” member of Opus Dei:
  • He/she must be a fanatic, who does not make concessions

  • He/she must be a warrior who blindly fights, instead of peacefully discussing with others

  • He/she must offer blind obedience, and never thinks by themselves

  • He/she must feel guilty for sexuality; seemingly, people who feel guilt are easy to control!

  • He/she must be heartless; the heart must be given to God and, of course, to Opus Dei

  • He/she must be without scruples

  • He/she must be beautiful, intelligent and look down on others as though they are only animals

  • He/she must secretly work behind people’s backs
Now whilst these may be admirable qualities for members of a religious sect/cult, or for being allowed to “play” in Nanny’s nursery; are they suitable qualities for a person entrusted with the shaping, and development, of young and impressionable minds?

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