Saturday, July 02, 2005

Fag Break

Fag BreakEva and I went to a pub last night, for a pint before dinner, and experienced the partial no smoking rule in all its daftness first hand.

Eva was not allowed to smoke at the bar counter, in order to prevent the bar staff dying on the spot of cancer, but she could smoke a mere two feet away from it.

Precisely how does that make any difference to the health of the bar staff?

It is a daft rule, made up by daft people.

If Nanny is really concerned about the effect that fags have on the health of her "charges", then she should ban the sale of fags altogether.

However, we all know that she makes far too much money from them by way of excise duties for her to even consider doing that.

She is a hypocrite!

FYI, for my American readers, the word "fag" in England means cigarette.


  1. Hi Dan

    I agree, it is not a black and white issue at all.

    To my view it should come down to adults acting as adults; and trying to show each other a little consideration, and respect each others wishes and comfort.

    Nanny believes that we cannot act as adults, and therefore treats as us children.

    The one area where banning smoking is really a "no no" is the British pub.

    What do others think?


  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    "To my view it should come down to adults acting as adults; and trying to show each other a little consideration, and respect each others wishes and comfort."

    I quite agree, as does the majority. But there are enough people who just don't give a shit - the result? A nanny state...
