Monday, July 04, 2005

Nanny Bans Skirts

Nanny Bans SkirtsNanny get's some strange ideas into her head at times.

This time she has taken it upon herself to interfere in the clothing of school girls.

Nanny's chums at Broadstone Middle School in Poole have decided that the skirts, worn by the girls, represent a safety hazard.

Incredible isn't it?

Therefore Nanny has banned the girls from wearing skirts, and insisted that they wear trousers.

Nanny also points out, in a very Victorian manner, that the trousers will ensure that the girls can "maintain modesty".

Seemingly Nanny's friends on the board of governors want to ensure that the girls could join the same lessons as the boys.

May I ask what they were being excluded from before?

Some parents are unhappy at the ban, and think that it has been imposed because some girls were wearing short skirts.

Head teacher Marilyn Warden said skirts were not appropriate during lessons such as music and drama.



"In order to give girls the same opportunities as boys for a safe, active and healthy lifestyle, while maintaining their modesty, it has been considered by our school governors that trousers for all pupils is a practical and appropriate dress requirement."

Safe, active and healthy lifestyle?

Precisely how dangerous are skirts for goodness sake?

Please could some of the women readers of this site comment on the dangers of skirts.

The school website also rather pompously notes that the wearing of skirts will be:

"gender free so that elements of discrimination should be avoided wherever possible"

Precisely how will that be achieved by a change in dress?

The school will impose the ban from January next year, and rule that all 673 pupils at the school wear full-length trousers.

So, if the ban is so important, why will Nanny wait until January?

What will the girls do in the meantime?

Doesn't this ban strike you as being a tad daft?


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    If they're so caught up on the equality issue, why not insist that everyone wear skirts? After all, kilts look very fetching...

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    And when worn "traditionally", kilts allow for complete freedom in the nether regions. Not only more hygenic (greater airflow around said area) but avoids the serious danger of crushed plums caused by tight underwear...

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Possibly it's to prevent certain male teachers from becoming excessively distracted by girls that haven't learned how to sit with a skirt.

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    So you think girls should not be able to do Drama and Music on equal terms with the boys? "OK, you boys can do all these moves, but you girls will have to sit out half of them. That is quite right and proper, and will prepare you for your place in the adult world"? Parents have the right to send their kids to school in retrictive clothing? (Actually sounds great -- "The school will only accept Darren back if he is wearing handcuffs.")

    What age are these middle school kids -- 12-13 in their last year there? Hardly old ebough to claim that a ban on skirts is interfering with their Human Right to a sex life free from interference.

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I wear a kilt all the time, frankly they ought to make all wear lightweight kilts. I find it sad to stop the girls wearing kilts, where has sense gone. The little boys wearing long trousers is silly, they rag the trousers out in no time flat, my cheap kilts wear well, they wash well and always look reasonable.
    Please do not kowtow to so called modernism and let the kids have their lives back

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I wear a kilt all the time, frankly they ought to make all wear lightweight kilts. I find it sad to stop the girls wearing kilts, where has sense gone. The little boys wearing long trousers is silly, they rag the trousers out in no time flat, my cheap kilts wear well, they wash well and always look reasonable.
    Please do not kowtow to so called modernism and let the kids have their lives back
