Friday, March 17, 2006

Do Unto Others

Do Unto OthersFunny that Nanny's Attorney General got so miffed about having his phone conversation recorded by Sir Ian Blair, the Head of the Metropolitan Police.

After all, Nanny is quite happy to monitor the conversations and comings and goings of us mere mortals!


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I agree Ken.

    Seems that almost every call I make someone mentions that it is being recorded 'for training purposes'.

    Surely the Law people must only be talking about things that are acceptable to be known in the public domain (even if that means Ian Blair)?

    It's a bit like the ID cards cards thing and all the other issues wherre people respond with "well I never do anything wrong so why should I fear "it"".

    If you never say anything wrong, why should you fear being recorded?

    Sound like pot and kettle time to me.

  2. Clearly Nanny's minions aren't very fond of their own medicine's flavor. Typical.

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    We are watching you and have noted all your IP addresses. Your computers are being scanned for incriminating thoughtcrime. BTW please support our forthcoming strike and our demand to retire at 27 on a full pension.

    Thanking you in advance,

    From all at the Weblog Surveillance Centre.

  4. We are watching you and have noted all your IP addresses.

    Damn, I knew I shouldn't have gone through with the conversion to IPv6! :)~
