Saturday, March 18, 2006

Self Sacrifice

Self Sacrifice
I suspect that there are some of you who may be feeling that Nanny is all talk and no action.

You probably feel that she claims to care about the ordinary men and women under her charge, yet when it comes to demonstrating that she cares there is precious little action.

Well let me tell you how wrong you are, Nanny does care; and I can prove it.

The recent rise in unemployment has caused Nanny no end of grief and lost sleep, she has wracked her brains trying to work out what she can do to help matters.

Then one of her best friends, David Mills (husband of Tessa Jowell), stepped into the breach. He has single handedly increased the number of jobs available to the unemployed, at quite a cost to himself I would add.

Companies House lists Mills as having five current appointments, but it also notes that he has 46 resigned appointments and 54 dissolved appointments.

Now that's a sacrifice, socialism leading by example!


  1. I have to say how very much I'm looking forward to Mills being prosecuted by the Italians. I'm expecting the tabloids to be having a feeding frenzy over this, with all sorts of interesting tidbits coming out about about this shower we have in Government.

    By the way Tone, I've got £50 I can lend you, may I have also have a knighthood please??

  2. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Ah, spiv, not a good way top spend 50 quid really. You would get associated with all the wrong types/

  3. Anonymous8:26 AM

    This government is big on "transparency", so why don't the honours reformers bring the whole process into the open? I suggest a TV show in which contestants bid for gongs. Quizmaster in sparkly jacket: John Prescott, whose witty repartee and mastery of the language would make the show a ratings winner. And why not put other goodies up for auction? Who'll start bidding to be Head of the NHS, a BBC Trustee or Blue Sky Thinker at #10? Do I hear 50p at back of the hall?
