Saturday, March 04, 2006

Nanny Bans Abbey Road

Nanny Bans Abbey Road
In what is a splendid example of how Nanny doesn't think her rules and regulations through, it seems that the BBC have narrowly escaped prosecution and a possible fine after it held an "illegal" gig featuring Coldplay at the Abbey Road Studios.

It seems that both the BBC and the studio could have been prosecuted, after it was discovered that the show last month contravened Nanny's new licensing laws.

Nanny's chums at Westminster Council, in a remarkable display of mindnumbing obstinacy, decided to seek legal advice about prosecuting; when a former adviser on the Licensing Act discovered that Abbey Road doesn't have the required entertainment license.

Now the astute amongst you may have noticed that the Abbey Road Recording Studios are RECORDING STUDIOS, isn't that where you would think that musicians would perform?

Unfortunately, using logic does not come easily if you work for Nanny's thick headed and "jobsworth" councils.

Councillor Audrey Lewis, for Westminster Council, is quoted as saying:

"The new licensing laws have ensured there is confusion about the status of many premises and what they now have a licence for.

Abbey Road studios were not licensed for the Coldplay concert but, after talking to the premises, this appears to have been a genuine oversight

Here's a radical suggestion to all of Nanny's council lackeys, how about using some common sense for once?

Or is that expecting a little too much?

Abbey Road Studio issued a statement, which showed the level of confusion resulting from Nanny's ill thought out law:

"In recent days we have received different advice from different departments within Westminster Council as to which licence is appropriate for our business.

Once we have a definitive answer from Westminster Council, if there is a need to vary the licence, then of course we shall do so

In other words, Nanny doesn't understand her law either.

I warned, in an earlier article (At The Circus), that Nanny's ill thought out licensing law would cause problems; evidently she wasn't listening to me!

It makes you wonder as to how many of Nanny's other laws have been ill thought out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    As the only real reason for the multitude of regulations spewing forth is to provide employment for civil servants and statutory fines for Gordon's piggy bank, confusion about how the laws work is vital.

    Twice as many state employees needed to sort out the mess, and ten times as many fines given to people who no longer have any idea of what the laws really are.
