Monday, March 06, 2006

The Great Tax Avoidance Con II

The Great Tax Avoidance Con II
Last week I wrote that

"Nanny is working herself up into a frenzy over tax avoidance schemes",

and that

" avoidance is perfectly legal; it is tax evasion that is illegal".

It seems that I was very wrong about this, and must apologise to Nanny for my error.

You see ladies and gentlemen Nanny is more than happy to allow tax avoidance and tax evasion if, that is, you are connected in some way with the government.

I am very sorry for any embarrassment or distress that I may have caused Nanny and her acolytes.

Read "Why Didn't HMRC Prosecute David Mills?" to see if you are eligible to avoid/evade paying tax.


  1. Forgive my cynicism, but I understand from certain newspapers (and I know that one cannot believe everything one reads in these papers), that Mills has settled twice with the Revenue these past few years - once for his involvement with an offshore company named Horizon, and then latterly over the current scandal. And yes, most unusually he hasn't been prosecuted, as most of us would be the second time we were caught for tax evasion, never mind whether or not we are financial professionals.

    All very odd, and it beggars belief that Jowell knew nothing of the £350,000. If I suddenly paid off our modest mortgage, I feel sure my wife would know somehow, even if I did not tell her (and I most certainly would let her know, probably over a celebratory meal).

    It all again demonstrates just how out of touch with normality these people are who are taking important decisions which affect us all (in many cases adversely), and just how out of touch they are with the reality of life!!

    Time for them to be ousted methinks, in time to save this country from further damage by these greedy incompetents.

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Presumably the Jowell and Mills techniques will soon be featured on the "pay off your mortgage in two years" TV prog?
