Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nanny Bans Black Sheep

Nanny Bans Black SheepNanny is a firm believer in the principle that if she starts moulding a child at a young enough age, then she will have that child for life.

Therefore it should come as no surprise that Nanny seeks to interfere in the education and development of pre school toddlers.

Nanny's best friend Stuart Chamberlain, manager of the Family Centre in Abingdon and the Sure Start centre in Sutton Courtenay Oxfordshire, has decided that traditional nursery rhymes are no longer "PC". As such he has decided to rewrite a few old classics, lest the originals "cause offence" to children.

Ladies and gentlemen I present Chamberlain's version of "Baa Baa Black Sheep"; altogether now:

"Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep..."

Enough of that crap!

It seems that Chamberlain is worried that the word "black" is racist, what a prat! By the way, what the f**k is a rainbow sheep anyway?

Chamberlain justifies his inane idea in an interview with a local newspaper:

"This is fairly standard across nurseries.

We are following stringent equal opportunities rules.

No one should feel pointed out because of their race, gender or anything else

In addition to black sheep being banned, poor old Humpty Dumpty loses his raison d'etre and no longer has "a great fall"; as Nanny feels that children will be upset by the idea of him falling off a wall.

I would remind Nanny that whilst she saves children from the trauma of an imaginary egg man falling off a wall, the same children are happily subjected to daily diet of violent abusive shit such as EastEnders on the TV.

Which is worse, I wonder?

By the way, in case your wondering, Snow White has lost her seven dwarfs!

Nanny's lackeys in Ofsted, the watchdog which inspects Sure Start centres, confirmed the new policy; it seems that centres are expected to "have regard to anti-discrimination good practice" and that staff should "actively promote equality of opportunity".

The DfES washed their hands of the matter, in true Nanny style, by saying:

"We don't support this approach to the teaching of traditional nursery rhymes,

but any such decision would be taken locally

In case you are wondering, "Baa Baa Black Sheep" was written in 1744 as a political protest about wool imports; ie it has nothing to do with racism, but of course Nanny is too lazy and too stupid to bother checking that out.


  1. I am currently reading the book "The Retreat of Reason" written by Anthony Browne, available from the website

    Wonderful book, well worth reading, and argues, quite correctly in my opinion, just how 'Political Correctness' has now distorted and stifled reasoned public debate.

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    On Sky News, some one emailed in the following:

    Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep,
    Have you any wool?
    Yes everyone, yes everyone,
    Enough for all,
    One for the master,
    One for the dame,
    One for every sexual preference and ethnic diversity that lives down the lane.

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I guess I'll have to find a new favourite tipple soon then. As soon as nanny notices this it will have to be shut down.....

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM

    There's an estate agent:

    their signs read something like
    For Sale

    A visiting American (white) thought that slavery was still being practiced.

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM


    Read the current Private Eye for the down & dirty on this "story". Shame on you for reacting with an ideological kneejerk & double shame for relying on the MSM to provide you with a free hit.

