Friday, March 10, 2006

Nanny Bans Parliament

Nanny Bans Parliament
We all know that Nanny has nothing but contempt for Parliament. In her eyes it is an annoying obstacle to her plans for "improving" how we live our lives.

Therefore it should come as no surprise to hear that she is working on ways to usurp Parliament's right to pass laws and debate government Bills.

A couple of weeks ago Nanny proposed a Bill that will drastically reduce parliamentary discussion of future laws.

Constitutional experts are calling it "The Abolition of Parliament Bill".

The actual title of the Bill is "The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill". This Bill will give ministers the power to alter any law passed by Parliament.

Read that again, and think about what it means!

The only limitations will be that new crimes cannot be created if the penalty is greater than two years in prison, and that it cannot increase taxation.

All other laws can be changed.

The mechanism for change would simply be that a minister proposes an order, then the law is changed.

This means that ministers would not have to debate their proposals, or answer any questions about them; ie Parliament will be by-passed and neutered!

It seems that if the Bill is passed any body created by statute, including local authorities, the courts and companies, could be reorganised or abolished.

Nanny says that there is nothing to worry about, she claims that the Bill will not be used for "controversial" matters.

Hands up all those who believe that?

Nanny should remember that the purpose of Parliament is to subject ministers and their laws to scrutiny, and to make them accountable for their actions. This ensures that, where there is an effective opposition, the worst excesses of government can be avoided and that the laws passed are workable and reasonable.

However, Nanny doesn't give a stuff for Parliamentary obstacles; she is in a hurry to leave a legacy.

Beware an old woman in a hurry!


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    What a terrible insult to Goering - at least he started out being effective!

    We've been heading down the German route for quite a while. This just brings it much closer in one large (goose?) step.

    Presumably in order for this to take effect they will also have to repatriate lawmaking power from Brussels?

  2. One wonders how soon after this gets passed we can see newspapers being closed down and anyone who dares criticise the shower in power having a visit from 'government re-education teams'.
    As for repatriating lawmaking from Brussels, of course not, just send in the Panzers like the Germans did. Our esteemed leader likes doing things like that it. God told him so.

  3. It is such a pity that the media seems to be far more concerned with trivia, celebrities and TV soaps than drawing the attention of all UK citizens to important matters such as this. I must confess I was myself completely unaware of this serious and sinister development. Many thanks Ken, for raising it.

    More can be found at

    This letter also makes an intersting read,,59-2042165,00.html

    So not only is Blair not averse to lying to us over important matters such as the reasons for mounting an illegal war, he also wants to take away our democracy, a democracy, incidentally, which he is trying (albeit not very successfully) to get in place in Iraq with his warmongering friend Bush.

  4. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Still think the Tessa Jowell soap opera is not being played out as a diversion?

    I mean who cares (other than on matters of principle in political life of course) about whetever ministerial role she is there to fulfil?

    At least Quentin Letts in the Dail Mail (of all places) seems to have spotted this one creeping through.

    Time for change I think.

  5. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Criminal laws with penalties greater than 2 yrs can be introduced as long as it's with the advice of the Law Commission. Any bets on how chummy the law commission is with the government?
