Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuck Off!

Tuck Off!Nanny's obsession with svelte waistlines shows no sign of abating. She has issued yet another edict about how unbelievably fat we are becoming, and yet again is trying to interfere in our eating habits.

This time she is targeting school children. In a spectacularly naive move, Nanny is instructing schools to stop selling junk food and instead make children eat seeds.

Yes that will work!

As Samuel Johnson once said:

"A small boy in search of vitals is an abomination".

The thought of Nanny trying to satisfy young appetites with a handful of seeds is really beyond a joke. Unless the seeds were coconuts, I really don't think that this latest "initiative" will suck-seed (get it?..come on folks I'm really trying here!).

Anyhoo, Nanny's friends in the School Food Trust (SFT) have issued draft guidelines that say nuts, seeds and yoghurt drinks should replace crisps, chocolate and fizzy drinks in tuck shops.

Nanny is going to introduce laws to stop children eating sweets and chocolate, that will be among the toughest in the world.

Ironically this new "initiative" comes just days after the Audit Commission attacked Nanny for her indecision and lack of leadership, over the implementation of measures to curb child obesity.

Nanny will ban crisps (which, by the way, are a very good source of vitamin c), but for some strange reason will allow cakes and biscuits. Erm aren't cakes and biscuits fattening and bad for the teeth?

Nanny's chum Dame Suzi Leather, chairman of the SFT, said that the rules, to be introduced from September, were necessary because children were eating too much sugar, fat and salt with "little or no nutritional value".


"They [the new rules] cannot succeed if pupils are surrounded with chocolate, crisps and drinks that fill them up with sugar and fat during the school day.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that when these products are removed, behaviour improves and this could also have implications for better learning

There you are folks, Nanny makes up rules based on anecdotes, not scientific fact!

Dame Suzi is not just content with banning vending machines and altering tuck shop menus, she is also going to poke her nose into children's lunchboxs. Nanny will issue lunchbox guidelines, telling parents of what should be included in a healthy diet.

Not her business!

Now here is why all of these rules will fall down:

1 Children are given large sums of pocket money each week by their parents. The children use this to buy "banned food" off school premises. My local store, owned by my friend Karim, is awash with kids buying Jamaican patties, chocolate and crisps when there is a school break.

2 The majority of a child's calorie intake takes place outside of school.

3 The poor diet of children is largely down to the muck being fed to them by their parents. How does Nanny intend to deal with that?

4 It is not the state's job to regulate what people eat. If parents are too stupid or lazy to feed their children properly, the responsibility for their children's ill health rests with them, not with the state.

5 When I was a child I ate a full breakfast, school lunch, dinner and a supper; all of this was washed down with 3 pints of milk a day. I am now 43, in excellent health and indeed am slim and "athletic" (yes ladies it's true:)).

5 These people did not become great British icons by eating nuts and seeds:

British Icons


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Introduce you child to Capitalism!

    "Smuggling chocolate bars to school" for fun and profit.

    Advance classes will include defeating sniffer dogs, appropriate risk modified markups, using adult as "mules" for smuggling, false bottomed back packs....

  2. Anonymous6:43 PM

    "Suzi Leather"!!!!!

    Isn't that the sort of name you see on cards put up in telephone boxes?

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Suzi's parents were deeply unimaginative. If I were blessed with a name like Leather, I would have to call my child Chrome, or Real, or Suede, or perhaps Imitation. Cordoba has a nice Hollywood sound to it. No worse than naming your nipper after some Middle Eastern country, like Jordan. What about Qatar for a change, or United Arab Emirates? "United Arab Emirates," cries Mummy in the supermarket, "stop picking your nose, yew little bleeder!" Why hasn't Nanny issued a list of permissible names for (a) boys (b) girls and (c) hermaphrodites? A job for Patricia Hewitt, I think.

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    If I recall correctly Suzi Leather was a slip of a girl who was yet another of those to rise to prominance in the traditional Nu Labour way by becoming president of the National Union of Students or some such organisation, was she not?

    Seems like there are so many of them in Nanny's inner circle these days the job must be a front for some sort of secret fraternity more powerful than the Masons.

    Oh how the rebels are taken in by the promise of a title.

    Maybe this whole thing is just because someone has doen the sums and reckons that the Jamie Oliver mealfest wil be way outside the budget?
