Friday, April 21, 2006

Money Well Spent

Money Well SpentIt is gratifying to read that the beloved and respected wife of Blairy Poppins, Cherie Blair (de facto First Lady), spent £7700 of Labour party money during last year's general election on her hair.

As you can see it is money well spent!


  1. As far as I'm concerned, She can spend any amount of New Labour's money on her ghastly haircuts, it is when she spends my hard earned and hard paid tax money on this vanity that would get my gall!!!

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    At £275 per day, her daily 'do' costs more than I earn in a week... colour me unimpressed!

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Peter I (Peter the Great) tsar of Russia (1689-1725) is said to have shaved off the beards of his courtiers with a pair of garden shears. A pity he is not still around, as I feel sure he would have been happy to extend his services in this respect to Cherie Blair's hair --- and he would have done as good a job at considerable less expense!
