Saturday, April 22, 2006

Prat of The Week

Lord Blue SkyThis week's prestigious Prat of The Week Award goes to Nanny's "Blue Sky Thinker" John Birt, Lord Birt to you sonny!

Lord Blue Sky attended a parliamentary committee this week, and managed not to answer any serious question posed to him.

He did though admit that it took a senior civil servant six months to write one page of a report on drugs. Needless to say, Lord Blue Sky wouldn't say who that hapless laggard was.

The report on drugs was castigated by the committee as being written in the style of a junior school teacher talking to an eight year old.

Another fine example of the value for money approach adopted by Nanny and her trolls. Lord Heseltine, who said that the Tories shouldn't knock the public sector, should take note of this sorry little tale.

Who knows, maybe he too will win the Prat of The Week Award?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "The report on drugs was castigated by the committee as being written in the style of a junior school teacher talking to an eight year old."



    Jo Moore - she of the 'bury the bad news today' email(s) - has, apparently 'retrained' as a junior school teacher 'in inner London'.

    I wonder if the words 'retrained', 'junior school teacher' and 'inner London' might have some more specific meaning to those in the know?

    The wonderful thing about blue skies are that they are largely empty of anything of any note. In which case Birt and his paucity of ideas seems perfectily placed.

    (Actually to be fair he may be playing a blnder for all of us. The last thing the country needs right now is a load of new ideas - not if the idiots like the Bar Steward are to be givien free rein to interpret them to their own ends.
