Saturday, June 17, 2006

Flag Off

Flag OffOh dear, Nanny is getting worked up by the flag of St George again. This time Nanny's minions in Wales are on the war path.

Nanny's best chum, the deputy chief constable of North Wales Police Clive Wolfendale is having a hissy fit over the flag. He said "incessant" flag-waving in Wales during the World Cup could lead to racism and violence.

Wolfendale said:

"I'm an Englishman and I'll be supporting England during the World Cup campaign

and if I was at the game or in and around the stadium

there's a fair chance I might be waving the flag.

But I think there comes a point when weeks before the tournament

the incessant use of these symbols is a bit in your face

and I just wish people would sometimes reflect

on the impact that's having on others

He added:

"There's no doubt about it that this can be the precursor to behaviour

which is much worse than flag waving

it's violence,

it's racism,

it's hooliganism of the very worse kind

Alyn and Deeside Mark Tami MPs said that the remarks risk creating a problem "that isn't actually there".

Clwyd West MP David Jones said Wolfendale's comments were "laughable".

He added:

"I think it's pretty innocuous (for fans) to display their flag from the little flagpoles on their cars if they want to do that.

I can't believe that the people of Wales are so intolerant

of a few English football fans

that they would be incited to violence

I think he's completely barking up the wrong tree.

Frankly, flying a little flag on your way to Colwyn Bay for the day is,

I don't think, going to spark any violence

I think he's completely misguided

As ever with Nanny, she concentrates on issues that are irrelevant whilst ignoring the real problems.

Maybe Nanny should concentrate on catching real criminals instead?


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    "Maybe Nanny should concentrate on catching real criminals instead?"

    Suddenly had this vision of policing as a fishing contest.

    Catch things.

    Get it assessed (weighed).

    Decide who has the best figures.

    Release the catch.

    From memory fishing used to be and probably still is the biggest participatory 'sport' in the country. I think of you add in the police workforce numbers it would be the undisputed number one for years to come.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Anyone know where we write to complain about this petty, insolent, anti-english bigot?

  3. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Why not the Commission for Racial Equality?

    Since the English are a minority in Wales, seems like a good opportunity to play Nanny at her own infantile game and use the "minority rights" stick to beat her with.

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Aren't all these thugs wearing clothes, too? That must be a precursor to violence, too. They should arrest any non-nudists!
