Friday, June 16, 2006

Nanny's Porkies

Nanny's PorkiesCongratulations to Nanny's good people on Suffolk County Council, who have managed to prove what we knew already namely that local councils waste our money.

For 30 years the villagers of Elmswell had campaigned for a road sign to direct lorry drivers to a nearby bacon factory.

Local resident, Andy Taylor, said:

"We've had years of putting up with lorry drivers coming through the village and asking where the factory is.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw someone finally putting up a sign

The sign, now proudly erected (can I say erected?) points the way to Grampian County Pork.

Unfortunately there is one small fly in the oinkment, the factory is about to close down and 380 people will lose their jobs.

Way to go Nanny!


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Always good to hear about left hands and right hands co-ordinating so well.

    No doubt the sign will have its uses - helping to guide the administrators to the factory site and likewise those who will attend the auction of the site's assets.

    Perhaps the sign could be the last lot?

  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    probably why the signs just gone up, disposing of dodgy assets and local councillors in the same sentence
