Monday, March 23, 2015

Bollocks Research - Smiling is Sexist

In a stunning piece of bollocks "research" that on the scale of 1 to 10 of bollocks, hits 20, some bods in the USA have concluded that manners are every bit as sexist as rudeness.

The "research" was carried out on a staggering 27 pairs of undergraduates (yes 54 people!), that's most certainly a statistically reliable number of people on which to conduct "research".

The "research" concluded that men who open doors for women are as guilty of sexism as those who are rude to them. Psychologists found that a friendly or chivalrous attitude can mask chauvinistic and patronising views, because the men see females as weak creatures in need of their protection.

Psychologist Jin Goh of Northeastern University, Boston, is quoted by the Telegraph:
"While many people are sensitive to sexist verbal offences, they may not readily associate sexism with warmth and friendliness. 
Unless sexism is understood as having both hostile and benevolent properties, the insidious nature of benevolent sexism will continue to be one of the driving forces behind gender inequality in our society."
For good measure, seemingly smiling is also sexist!
"those who displayed a benevolent sexism were considered more approachable, warmer, friendlier and more likely to smile."
This would be laughable, if it were not for the fact that good money has been wasted on this shite!
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  1. Research over here isn't what it used to be. I guess if you research hard enough you'll find data to validate your hypothesis.

    Better to do nothing and be thought a sexist than to hold a door and remove all doubt.

  2. Good money wasted, but thankfully not my money.

  3. Lord of Atlantis1:49 PM

    In my experience most women, apart from rabid feminists, very much regret the lack of chivalry and good manners endemic in today's society. The problem appears to be that these so-called "experts" are totally out of touch with ordinary people and seem to be utterly clueless regarding their aspirations!
