Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Nanny Bans Fattism - How Ironic!

Without any sense of irony, an obesity expert (Dr Sarah Jackson) has called for "fattism" (ie making fun of fat people) to be treated the same way as sexism and racism.

In a study of more than 5,000 British adults, she found that those who were made to feel ashamed of their size suffered more symptoms of depression. They also had a lower quality of life than those who didn’t feel victimised.

She is quoted by the Mail:
"However, our results indicate that discriminatory experiences contribute to poorer psychological well being in individuals with obesity, but there are currently no laws prohibiting weight discrimination. 

This might send the message to people that weight discrimination is socially acceptable."
Whilst this may be all very well and good, given how cruel people can be, does she not see the irony here?

Nanny, the medical profession and the media spend every hour of every day harassing, ridiculing and pressurising fat people about their weight (eg Nanny's obsession with obesity, and TV's numerous reality shows publicly putting the obese on extreme diets).

It is the state that has increased the level of ridicule and obsession with people's girth; therefore it is the state that must first of all address the issue of discrimination by stopping its harassment!

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  1. Another example of Nanny's "Play nicely children" policy except, it is aimed at adults...Nanny has turned us into a nation of uneducated, dependent children: For why?.....Because it makes us easier to control.

  2. What is the matter with these people? Have they had a sense of humour by-pass operation? Just ignore these jobsworths and, HOPEFULLY, they'll go away!

  3. What is the matter with these people? Have they had a sense of humour by-pass operation? Just ignore these jobsworths and, HOPEFULLY, they'll go away!

    1. Ignoring them won't make them go way. It''ll make them madder and thus more likely to nag gov into passing yet more laws. Tonk cited the 'play nicely children' policy. If children ignore it they have to be punished. Y'know, for the sake of the chiiildren.
