Monday, April 20, 2015

Auntie Is So Easily Duped

Nanny's state broadcaster, Auntie, has some very thorough rules and procedures wrt approving humour that can be broadcast.

However, when it comes to "news" and "fact" checking she has no procedures. As demonstrated by Auntie's World Service abysmal failure over fact checking, wrt an interview about Star Wars.

BBC producer Angela Sheeran approached Twitter user Godfrey Elfwick asking to interview him for a broadcast about Star Wars.

For why?

She was looking for people who claimed never to have seen any of the films. Step forward Elfwick who tweeted:

His Twitter describes him as a “demisexual genderqueer Muslim atheist”.

Undaunted Sheeran invited him to appear on the World Have Your Say programme, where he stated:
From what I’ve seen of the old Star Wars films, there’s a lot of social problems with them rooted in homophobia, casual racial stereotypes.

The gold robot – C-25 or whatever he’s called – is a camp, neurotic coward. 
The only main female ends up in a space bikini chained to a horny space slug. 

The main bad guy – what’s he called, Dark Raider? – is black, he has a deep voice, he listens to rap music – it’s just a really bad racial stereotype.” 
Etc etc..

Sheeran has deleted her tweet inviting Elfwick on to the show.

How can anyone trust Auntie with reporting factual news items, after this?
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1 comment:

  1. Lord of Atlantis1:51 PM

    “From what I’ve seen of the old Star Wars films, there’s a lot of social problems with them rooted in homophobia, casual racial stereotypes.
    The gold robot – C-25 or whatever he’s called – is a camp, neurotic coward.
    The only main female ends up in a space bikini chained to a horny space slug.
    The main bad guy – what’s he called, Dark Raider? – is black, he has a deep voice, he listens to rap music – it’s just a really bad racial stereotype.”

    What a load of poppycock! For example, Fact 1: Darth Vader may have been dressed in black, but he was played by a white man. Indeed, as his son, Luke Skywalker was also white, it would have been illogical to have his father anything else (Another white man provided his voice). Fact 2: Although he was unquestionably evil much of the time, the more recent films give some explanation (not excuse) for this. Fact 3: In "The Return of the Jedi" he saves Luke's life, at the cost of his own, so becomes a hero, not a villain. Fact 4: In "The Empire Strikes Back" and "The Return of the Jedi" it is revealed that over Vader is Emperor Palpatine, far more evil than Vader, or indeed anyone else in the films, and also portrayed by a white actor.
