Friday, April 17, 2015

Nanny Bans Ginger

My thanks to a loyal reader who sent me a story about Emily Reay, a 17 year old who attends Trinity School Carlisle. She has been told that she cannot return to lessons, until she dyes her dyed red hair to a more 'natural' colour.

Now fair enough that the school has rules about uniforms and appearance etc. Many a schoolkid has had run ins over the decades over hair length, colour, uniform.

However, what makes this story niggle is that (if Emily and her mum are to be believed) Emily has sported that hair colour (and from pictures it is not garish or absurd) for the last three years.

Therefore is the school being a tad Nannyish here?

Opinions welcome.

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  1. Dear Diary,

    We've enacted our insidious plan. We've allowed the ginger three years of false security & now two months before her exams we will royally screw with her head by forbidding her to take her exams.

    Likely we'll have to back down on this but no way will she be able to concentrate. Her grades will suffer so she won't get the uni place she has been working for.


  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    The only good thing about being ginger is that you can know for sure that you are not adopted.....................

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    People often moan on this blog that parents should do more in bringing up their own children.

    Emily’s mum would do well if she would teach her child (who apparently has been dying her hair for school attendance since she was 14 years old), that life is not always about what is fair.

    Very often stupid and unfair rules have to be followed and it is sometimes better to toe the line rather than fight, especially when something very important is at risk. In this case her continued education.

    However, Emily’s mum has now demonstrated that an acceptable course of action is to seek out a journalist to help fight your trivial battles for you.

    Disgraceful parenting, in my opinion.

    1. Right, You're driving along. Police stop you for "not having five wheels". You've had four wheels for 3 years. Answer?

  4. "Very often stupid and unfair rules have to be followed and it is sometimes better to toe the line rather than fight, especially when something very important is at risk. In this case her continued education."

    I had to answer this separately,

    It is a requirement, democracy or otherwise, that people with half a clue, fight for the rights of anonymous, such that they may continue to live their lives. You have shown none of those skills.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    It is a requirement, democracy or otherwise, that people with half a clue, fight for the rights of anonymous.......blah....blah.......

    And SD, with your two ridiculous posts you have truly demonstrated that you are a person with ‘half a clue’……………

  6. Lord of Atlantis7:59 PM

    Generally, I am in favour of school rules being enforced, however the fact that Emilly has been ginger for three years means I have a lot less sympathy with the schools position on this matter, especially as they have decided to enforce it just as she is about to sit her exams. The way it has been handled strikes me as very unfair. If they objected to Emilly's ginger hair, the time to "get tough" was as soon as she appeared with it, not three years later! Surely, Emilly's future prospects are now more important than the colour of her hair? In any case. she'll soon be 118 and legally an adult and entitled to have her hair ginger.
