Monday, May 18, 2015

Prats of The Week - Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

My thanks to a loyal reader, who advised me about some really prattish behaviour by Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust concerning Max Hurry (a normal five-year-old boy).

It seems that Nanny's health Gestapo deemed Max to be overweight, and decreed that he should go to fat club.

The fact is Max is not fat, he is 3ft 6in tall and weighs 3st 3lb.

The Mirror quotes the letter that his parents received:
These results suggest that your child’s weight to height ratio, in line with their age and sex, is a concern.

Excess weight can lead to serious health problems.

In short this can effect psychological wellbeing (bullying and low self-esteem), asthma and early onset of diabetes.

Your GP would like to help and will soon be contacting you to invite your child and family to attend a Healthy Lifestyle Review.” 
"Lifestyle Review"!! 

What farking bollocks!

It seems that the letter was prompted by Nanny's National Child Measurement Programme which uses that bollocks KPI, that is derided by all and sundry, BMI.

The Trust is unapologetic:
We contact families to let them know if their child is eligible. Unless they tell us they do not wish to be contacted, their GP will invite them to the lifestyle review.”
Fark off, the kid's not fat!

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust, well deserving Prats of The Week!

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1 comment:

  1. Lord of Atlantis6:17 PM

    "Your GP would like to help and will soon be contacting you to invite your child and family to attend a Healthy Lifestyle Review.”

    And if they decline this "invitation"?
