Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Dangers of Rulers

My commiserations to Kyron Bradley (9 years old) who found himself on the wrong end of Nanny's risk aversion recently.

His crime?

Using a broken ruler as a sword in a playground games of  "knights and dragons".

We used to use full length umbrellas when I was a nipper, rather more dangerous I would have thought than a broken ruler.

Anyhoo, you can all guess what happened next.

His mum was called to the school (George's Bickley CE Primary School, Bromley, Kent) to see the head, and it was explained to Kyron that the game was dangerous.

Fair enough, in this modern world that such a modest game be frowned upon?

Not really, but for Kyron it then got worse.

A couple of days later the police also came along to the school to explain why it was dangerous.

Am I so out of touch with risk to find that this seems a tad over the top?

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  1. Education? More like indoctrination in my opinion......What did the kid learn from this?.....We are the state; do as you're told or we'll have you.

    Truly pathetic......When I think back at the things myself and my peers did back in the 1950s and 1960s, I suspect I would still be doing time for risky behaviour.

    When I see how whimpish (or perhaps just feminised) my own grandsons are, it worries me just how confused they'll be when they're grown ups....How will they see their role in the world as men, with the constant gender propaganda being thrown at them by a mostly left leaning, feminised teaching profession? Will they start to believe they're just idiots, as so often portrayed by adverts and other media offerings, to be ridiculed by women? I fear for the lads' futures.....I am glad I'm not growing up in today's PC world.

  2. Lord of Atlantis2:06 PM

    How ridiculous! As Tonk and I have pointed out, we and our peers got up to far more "dangerous" activities and are still here, unharmed, to tell the tale! However, irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the matter, why was it deemed necessary to involve the police? The latter should have told the school that it was NOT a police matter! No wonder they cannot find the time to attend real crime: they are wasting time on nonsense like this!

    Tonk said: "Education? More like indoctrination in my opinion......What did the kid learn from this?.....We are the state; do as you're told or we'll have you."

    It IS indoctrination! The unfortunate boy learned from this a) That it is a serious crime to do anything that is fun. b) It is absolutely forbidden to do ANYTHING that might carry even a miniscule of risk!

    Tonk also said: "When I think back at the things myself and my peers did back in the 1950s and 1960s, I suspect I would still be doing time for risky behaviour."

    Me too! Ironically, on one occasion when I hadn't done my homework, the teacher forced me to stand in the middle of the class. She then took 2 rulers, one on top of the other, and gave my legs a good belting with them!

    Tonk also said: "When I see how whimpish (or perhaps just feminised) my own grandsons are, it worries me just how confused they'll be when they're grown ups....How will they see their role in the world as men, with the constant gender propaganda being thrown at them by a mostly left leaning, feminised teaching profession? Will they start to believe they're just idiots, as so often portrayed by adverts and other media offerings, to be ridiculed by women? I fear for the lads' futures.....I am glad I'm not growing up in today's PC world."

    Me too! It's bad enough in this "brave new world" of elf'n'safety, feminism and political correctness for a rebellious, fun-loving adult, such as myself!

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Life is dangerous and full of risks. I can only imagine what is going to happen when the generation of sissified kids who have been brought up under Nanny's over-protective blanket have to cope with anything vaguely "traumatic" suck as pricking their finger on a pin! Surely, part of growing up and learning about the true nature of the world involves being exposed to risks?

    Richmond Mathewson.

  4. Perhaps he should have used a proper sword like the one St George is using as shown on the school shield.

  5. Lord of Atlantis6:19 PM

    I can answer your question for you, Anonymous: with the help of "no win, no fee" solicitors, the poor, hard done by children (or adults) will find someone to blame and sue them for a vast sum of money and, in all probability get the money!

  6. Anonymous8:32 PM

    The state is a bully. The police should protect Her Majesty's subjects from these people who should generally be ignored.
