Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

ITV Rewrites History


For reasons best know to itself, ITV has decided that the last two world wars were caused by white upper class dinosaurs.

Well the last time I checked, the First World War was caused by the aggression of the Kaiser and the Second was down to Hitler.

Whilst both were white, neither went to Eton and Hitler most certainly was not upper class. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Monday, November 28, 2022

BBC Hypocrisy Alert


Dear old Auntie is getting her knickers in a twist over the zero covid crackdown and protests in China.

Auntie is, quite correctly, reporting on the protests there and the heavy handed treatment by the regime of protesters. Auntie also notes, quite correctly, that the policy of zero covid (and lockdowns) don't work.

How "ironic" is it not that when the UK had its lockdowns, Auntie sought to downplay protests in the UK and criticised those who did protest? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Monday, November 21, 2022

Virtue Signalling Has Its Limits - England Won't OneLove


Evidently Gianni Infantino wasn't as gay as he pretended to be! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Thursday, November 10, 2022

COPCON27 - Plebs Banned From Flying


As you can see, private planes and those who are wealthy/powerful don't damage the environment when they fly.

Only the plebs like us damage the environment, as such we will not be allowed to fly! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


It was SAGE's bleating for lockdowns that fucked the economy and people's mental health.

Now they would have people freeze this winter.

WANKERS! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Monday, November 07, 2022



The great panjandrum starts today in Egypt, where virtue signalling private plane owners with multiple homes rub shoulders with each other and lecture the rest of us about how we must cut back and send more of our money to eg nuclear armed states (Pakistan). is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts