Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Esther Rantzen Commands You To Die!


Celebrities now dictate government policy!

Do you trust the NHS not to kill you or your loved ones in order to free up beds? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Welby Apologises For Being Born


The complete melt Welby has managed to sink to even lower depths, by apologising for being born.

Given that his tenure as Archbishop of Canterbury has been worse than worthless, his apology is too little too late! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Nanny's Blue Nose Bollocks Stopped!


A secondary school planned to turn its heating off as part of a “Blue Nose Day” event to teach pupils about climate change.

Wolsingham School, a co-educational academy in Co Durham, had organised for the stunt to take place on Friday to reduce its carbon footprint and raise awareness about “the importance of being more sustainable”.

Parents received a letter earlier this week informing them of plans to turn the heating off throughout the school day on “Blue Nose Day”, with pupils advised to wear jumpers and extra layers to keep warm.

However, Wolsingham School wrote to parents on Tuesday announcing that the event had been called off after staff raised some concerns.

In a letter seen by The Telegraph, the school said that “after careful consideration and speaking to several parents regarding their concerns, the Blue Nose Day scheduled for Friday 18 October 2024 will now not go ahead as planned”.

In one sense it might have been amusing to allow this virtue signalling bollocks to go ahead, as it would give pupils and staff a foretaste of what will be happening on a regular basis as Miliband continues with his ongoing destruction of our energy infrastructure! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Nanny To Experiment On The Obese Unemployed


Under a plan by Nanny, obese unemployed people are going to be given the 'king kong' of weight loss jabs to get them back to work. 

Whatever happened to good old fashioned diet and exercise?

The experiments will last for 5 years.

I wonder what experiments Nanny will conduct on the thin unemployed? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Monday, October 14, 2024

Christians Trigger Nanny


The University of Nottingham, for reasons best known to itself, is shit scared of Christians.

As such, it has placed a trigger warning on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales because it contains elements of the Christian faith! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Friday, October 11, 2024

Nanny Bans Robin Hood

Nanny in the shape of Nottingham Council’s decision to remove Robin Hood from the city logo is a baffling and misguided move that has left many residents and admirers of the legendary folk hero outraged. This decision not only erases a significant part of Nottingham’s cultural heritage but also undermines the city’s identity and historical significance.

Robin Hood is more than just a character from folklore; he is a symbol of Nottingham’s rich history and its enduring spirit of resistance and justice. By removing him from the city logo, Nottingham Council is effectively severing a vital link to the past and alienating a community that takes pride in its unique heritage.

The council’s justification for this change, citing a need for a more “inclusive” and “modern” image (some shite squiggle), falls flat. Robin Hood’s story is one of inclusivity and standing up for the oppressed. His legend resonates with people from all walks of life, and his removal from the logo is a disservice to the very principles he represents.

Moreover, this decision appears to be a wasteful exercise in rebranding that does little to address the real issues facing the city. Instead of focusing on superficial changes, Nottingham Council should be directing its efforts towards meaningful improvements that benefit the community.

In conclusion, Nottingham Council’s decision to remove Robin Hood from the city logo is a cretinous and ill-advised move that disregards the city’s rich history and cultural significance. It’s time for the council to listen to its residents and restore the iconic symbol that truly represents Nottingham. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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