Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The £18BN Cost of Plan B


As I have noted several times on this site, there has been a coordinated campaign by certain sections of the media, political activists posing as doctors and FAKE SAGE for the government to immediately go to Plan B.

These people say that Plan B doesn't cost anything. This of course is nonsense, the media today report that the costs of Plan B (were it to be enacted for 5 months) would be £18BN.

As per Politico:

"On the eve of Chancellor Rishi Sunak's budget statement and government-wide spending review on Wednesday, the internal Treasury impact assessment warns that moving to Plan B would cost the economy between £11 billion and £18 billion in the period up until March 2022 — or more than £800 million per week.

The Treasury's main concern is over the effect that millions of people switching back to working from home would have on businesses, particularly in inner-city areas and towns, while working from home is envisaged to have only a moderately positive impact on reducing transmission."

Additionally, Covid passports would be a kick in the nuts for the entertainment industry, without any benefits for the nations' health:

"It finds that a COVID certification scheme would reduce transmission at these events by 40-45 percent. But it warns that, because only 2-13 percent of overall community transmission takes place in venues covered by the scheme, there would only be a "moderate impact from reduced community transmission." The figures suggest certification would reduce overall community transmission by 1-5 percent.

Vaccine passports would have a "high impact" on the economy and could cause "wider impacts" exacerbating Britain's supply chain crisis, the assessment finds.

In other words Plan B and Covid passports would have large economic costs, but produce little health benefits! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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