Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

The Biggest Prat in Christendom - Justin Welby


Welby and his cabal of virtue signalling bishops that have infested the Church of England, have recently announced its intention to create a £1 billion fund to tackle the legacy of slavery, and pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.

Welby’s proposal is misguided because it is based on a false assumption that the Church of England is somehow responsible for the sins of its ancestors. The Church of England did not own or trade slaves, nor did it endorse or condone slavery. In fact, the Church of England was one of the leading forces in the abolitionist movement, and many of its clergy and members campaigned against slavery and supported the emancipation of slaves.

Therefore, it is unfair and illogical to hold the Church of England accountable for something that it did not do, and to make it pay for the actions of individuals who died several centuries ago.

Welby’s proposal is impractical because the slaves are long since dead.

Slavery was (and still is) a global phenomenon that affected and affects millions of people across different continents, cultures, and generations. 

It is impossible to calculate the exact amount of harm or benefit that slavery caused or conferred to each individual or group, or to trace the genealogical or historical links between them. Moreover, it is unclear how the fund will be distributed, who will be eligible to apply, and what criteria will be used to assess the claims. The fund will create resentment and division among different communities, as some will feel excluded or discriminated against.

Welby ignores the fact that many Africans profited from the slave trade at the time, and pointedly ignores the fact that Britain was the first country in the world to outlaw it and proactively used the Royal Navy to hunt down the African slave traders and others.

Welby ignores that fact that slavery continues in the present day eg; sweat shops in Africa and Asia, human trafficking of sex workers and others, people smuggling etc.

Instead of spunking £1bn up the wall on people who have no right to the money, it should be used to help people in the UK eg the homeless.

It is high time that the church started to pay tax and Welby and his cabal be removed from office! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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