Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Nanny's Little Helpers
I have been tagged!

Fear not, I don't mean in a nasty way by Nanny and her minions, but in a friendly way by Anticant:

"For sheer guts, industry, and dedication to a self-imposed task, Ken Frost of NANNY KNOWS BEST gets top marks. An inveterate foe of official and unofficial bossiness, Ken provides ludicrous examples of idiotic rulings and behaviour by tinpot jobsworths who alas abound in NuLab Britain. Some of Nanny’s offerings would make you howl with laughter if they weren’t so infuriating – and indeed, dismaying. Always something to think about there!"

Thanks Anticant



  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Well Done !!

  2. Anonymous9:23 PM

    ''For sheer guts, industry, and dedication''

    The poor bloke obviously doesn't recognize 'obsession' when he sees it Ken. ;o) skydog

  3. But Skydog...I don't wear perfume:)

