Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Acropolis Now!

In view of the totally chaotic and surreal double pantomimes that are going on in Cannes and Athens at the moment, I thought a few musings on the demise of the Euro project are pertinent.

The latest rumour/counter rumour is that George Pap (the PM) will resign, this was then immediately refuted by an official media spokesman. The reality is that he will be forced out of office today, after the latest emergency cabinet meeting. In fact it has been announced that following that meeting he will call on the president of Greece.


He will offer his resignation in 30 minutes.

What happens then?

A government of national unity will be formed, and plans will be put in place for some form of elections at some unspecified date.

In the meantime the markets are having a nervous breakdown, and the EU "leaders" are flapping around like beached fish. A press conference hosted by Barroso has just been cancelled, indicating all is not well, and Obama is furious that his time at the G20 has been wasted by this self inflicted farce.

The future?

Greece has already lost control of it economy and its right for self determination (under an army of occupation of EU bureaucrats), as to how long it tolerates this situation is unclear.

Its exit from the Euro is a matter of days away in my opinion.

The lesson to the Eurozone "leaders" of this farce is that you cannot impose an economic policy on a sovereign nation by diktat, unless you have an real army of occupation; ie dictatorships only survive when they are backed up by physical force.

The above should make everyone rather worried, as the "leaders" may one day opt for using an army to keep the Eurozone together.

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  1. Lord of Atlantis2:33 PM

    "The above should make everyone rather worried, as the 'leaders' may one day opt for using an army to keep the Eurozone together."

    Well, Ken, call me cynical, but haven't they already got the next best thing, thanks to our spineless politicians in the houses of parliament (the mother of democracy?)? I believe it is called the European Arrest Warrant?

  2. Tonk.3:09 PM

    My Lord;

    I fully agree.
    Every day, the faceless enemy in Brussels move closer and closer to their goal of a EUSSR. All these plans and programmes to save the Euro all result in the same thing; more power to Brussels and more uniformity in more matters across the whole of the EU. Once they've achieved what they want in Greece, we could be next to be bailed out with our own cash, in exchange for handing over more powers to the EUSSR of course. I don't trust Cameron as far as I can throw him.

  3. Tonk.3:10 PM

    My Lord;

    I fully agree.
    Every day, the faceless enemy in Brussels move closer and closer to their goal of a EUSSR. All these plans and programmes to save the Euro all result in the same thing; more power to Brussels and more uniformity in more matters across the whole of the EU. Once they've achieved what they want in Greece, we could be next to be bailed out with our own cash, in exchange for handing over more powers to the EUSSR of course. I don't trust Cameron as far as I can throw him.

  4. Number 610:26 AM

    And all the main three parties want us to remain shackled to the EUSSR. Idiots and traitors all. Vote UKIP it is our last chance to get out before the jackboots (that were denied their stomping in WW11) are echoing down our streets.

    Think I am jesting, the EU scum will never give up their power and luxury.

  5. Lord of Atlantis11:10 AM

    Number 6: I do vote UKIP, in National and European elections, but not in local elections, as they have noone standing in my area, where there is a three-way 'choice' between the usual three parties.

  6. Number 64:11 PM

    My dear Lord, when UKIP did not stand in my locals leaving all the usual scum running I voted by writing all useless parasites on the ballot paper.
