Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Friday, July 30, 2021

NHS Bans Capitals

In a display of utter idiocy, the NHS has decreed that capital words are offensive.

As per Guido Fawkes:

Commenters on the NHS website are now being chastised for over-using capital letters. Presumably they’re shortly to rebrand as ‘the nhs’…

One co-conspirator was recently blocked from reviewing a hospital as, according to the NHS moderators:

“it contains capitalised words. On the internet this can be regarded as “shouting” and many people are offended by it. Please resubmit your review, and avoid over-using capital letters.”

I wonder if the NHS realises that its name is in capitals, as such will it ban itself? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Volte Farce of Nanny's Covid Experts


Dr Doom (aka Neil Ferguson) said 10 days ago it was “almost inevitable” that the U.K. would hit 100,000 daily cases, and possibly as many as 200,000.

However, yesterday he executed a volte farce and said:

“I’m quite happy to be wrong if it’s wrong in the right direction. If case numbers stay low, that will be really good news.

I think I’m positive that by late September, October time, we will be looking back at most of the pandemic.”

By happenstance Prof Karl Friston, Professor of Imaging Neuroscience, UCL, and panellist on the ‘Independent SAGE’ with special responsibility for modelling, said that models shouldn't be used for predictions:

"It may be that people have been over interpreting the worst-case scenario modelling from the SPI-M that suggested a hundred thousand cases per day over the summer. 

However, these reports are carefully qualified and say explicitly that they are not forecasts and predictions."

Now whilst it is all very nice and welcome that these "experts" are telling us things look better, models shouldn't be relied upon and it's better to be over cautious, they are neglecting several key facts:

  • Many people have been worried shitless over the past few months because of their doom laden predictions
  • The government and media have been relying on these models
  • The government has made decisions based on these models
  • The consequences of the decisions made (eg lockdowns and ongoing restrictions) have inflicted considerable costs on businesses and considerable costs (mental, health, financial) on individuals

You cannot just wash your hands of these models by saying they shouldn't be used as forecasts etc! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Nanny's Dodgy Covid Admissions Data


It seems that not all Covid hospital admissions are in fact admissions of people with Covid symptoms.

This doesn't necessarily mean that they caught the disease in hospital. However, it does have a material impact on the official stats that show Covid hospital admissions.

Why is this important?

The higher the number of "Covid admissions", the greater the pressure to lockdown. Therefore, if "Covid admissions" aren't because of Covid the pressure to lockdown diminishes. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Nanny Mandates Arse Masks


It seems that according to "experts", farts spread Covid.

As such, Nanny is mandating arse masks! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, July 23, 2021

Nanny's Little List - #PingGate

Employers providing critical services can request an exemption for named employees who are fully vaccinated. The government says it is "not a blanket exemption for all workers in a sector".

The areas are:

  • Energy
  • Civil nuclear
  • Digital infrastructure
  • Food production and supply
  • Waste
  • Water
  • Veterinary medicines
  • Essential chemicals
  • Essential transport
  • Medicines and medical devices
  • Clinical consumable supplies
  • Emergency services
  • Border control
  • Essential defence outputs
  • Local government

Supermarket depot workers and food manufacturers will be exempt whatever their vaccination status. Up to 10,000 workers could do daily testing instead. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Australian Nanny Bans Talking


Australian Nanny appears to have gone mad! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, July 16, 2021

Nanny's Pingdemic - For Whom The App Pings! #DeleteTheApp


Nanny's Covid app is doing what it has been set up to do, namely ping people who have been in the vicinity of someone who has Covid.

All very well and dandy, maybe. Except for the following:

1 Last week it pinged 520K people.

2 Those who are pinged are meant to self isolate; this is severely impacting the NHS, factories and the hospitality industry.

3 It is pinging people who have not been in contact with Covid infected people (eg it is pinging people through walls).

4 The app was designed for when we were not vaccinating people. Now 2/3rds of adults have been double vaxxed, the app is overkill and doing more damage than it is doing good.

Nanny claims she is looking at adjusting the apps parameters, but in order to save face she is actually hoping that people will simply #DeleteTheApp.

For once let us do Nanny a favour:

#DeleteTheApp ! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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UK Cumulative Covid Tests Exceed Germany, Italy and Spain Combined!

Someone is making a hell of a lot of money out of this! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Nanny Bans Travel To and From Brighton - The Ban That Dare Not Speak its Name!


Apparently  Cabinet Office Nanny's guidance for Brighton and Hove says people should minimise travel, avoid meeting people indoors and to keep two metres apart from people that you do not live with, including friends and family.

The guidance states: 

"As part of the enhanced support package, extra guidance will be set out on steps people can take, such as minimising travel in and out of the affected areas".

However, Brighton and Hove City Council did not include travel guidance in its initial list of measures and support being introduced in the city. 

It is utterly ludicrous, on the eve of a weekend heatwave and the abolition of legal restrictions on the 19th, to issue "hidden guidance " advising people not to travel to Brighton and expect people to follow it! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Nanny Khan Imposes Masks on TfL Forever


Sadiq Khan has imposed a mask mandate on TfL post as from 19th July when national restrictions end.

The rule will be a “condition of carriage” meaning TfL customers will enter into a contract with them to abide by their rules. 

According to Nanny Khan says that the mask requirement will be maintained “as long as the virus is still with us”. 

Given that Covid will always be with us, this means that his mandate will remain in place until he is removed from office. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, July 08, 2021

The Usual Suspects Try To Stop Freedom Day


The signatories include:

  • FAKE SAGE (an organisation of political activists that use Covid as cover for pushing their political agenda - they should be spurned as you would a rabid dog)
  • Stalin's Nanny, and 
  • the doctor that runs Every Doctor Ltd (a company that sells her designer facemasks). is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, July 07, 2021

The Penny Finally Drops - Delete The NHS Covid App


The penny has finally dropped with Nanny that the prospect of being pinged by the NHS Covid app might prompt people to delete it.

As per Politico:

"One thing that is alarming the department of health is that members of the public will delete the NHS COVID app en masse when they realize so many people are testing positive and that contact isolation is continuing for most of the summer. 

Playbook has already heard anecdotally of people deleting in fear that it will now only be a matter of time before they are pinged. 

Which poses more questions for the PM today: 

Does the government know how many people are deleting the app? 

And does it have a plan to do anything about it?"

Better yet, don't download the app in the first place! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, July 06, 2021



The woman who broke lockdown restrictions to party with her chum Kay, now says that it is "reckless" to lift lockdown restrictions.

It is quite clear that the qualifications for working for Sky "News" are:

- having an irony bypass, and

- having a PhD in Hypocrisy. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, July 05, 2021

Fake SAGE Throws Its Toys out of The Pram - Again!


The political activists, posing as scientists (Stephen Reicher and Susan Michie - aka "Stalin's Nanny"), on FAKE SAGE have thrown their toys out of the pram in response to today's forthcoming announcement that masks etc will no longer be mandatory.

They would have us locked down and masked up for every outbreak of flu, covid and every winter.

Their advice, and FAKE SAGE itself should be spurned as you would spurn a rabid dog.

The media should stop giving them the oxygen of publicity. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Friday, July 02, 2021

Nanny's Salt Tax


It seems that, despite Covid, Nanny hasn't lost her desire to mess with other aspects of our lives.

Sources familiar with drafts of Nanny's upcoming National Food Strategy say it suggests a tax of 6% on high-salt content foods.

That could see the price of a McDonald’s Big Mac soar by 20p and push a bag of Quavers to 91p.

As ever this will of course not stop people eating these products. However, it will hurt the poorest sections of the community who will find the cost of their food bills going up! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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