Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Leaf Us Alone!

As we face the onset of yet another wet and windy British Autumn, the trees are beginning to shed their leaves.

The solution to this obvious health and safety risk?

Errm...sweep up the leaves?

Yes, but only if you are a specially trained Nanny professional.

The good people of Blakenall have discovered that the "simple" task of sweeping up their own leaves, and placing them into garden recycling bins, is fraught with hazards.

This action contravenes Walsall Council's policy wrt leaves. Seemingly the local binmen have told the residents to stop sweeping up the leaves, because its "against the rules".

Nanny's rules are documented in some publication entitled "Street Pride" (what has a leaves policy got to do with a gay festival?), anyhoo it seems that Nanny forbids leaves from the highway being placed into brown bins.

For why?

The danger of "contamination".

Those who break Nanny's rules...yes, you've guessed what comes next.. face a fine of up to £1K.

Ker Farking Ching!

Now here's where it gets really confusing, council guidelines state that grass cuttings, tree and shrub prunings, old plants and flowers, hedge clippings, weeds and leaves from residents' own gardens can be put into brown bins.

Needless to say, now that the media have got involved, the council have realised they look like prats and council leader Mike Bird has called for a common sense approach.

Why do councils only remember "commonsense" when they have been under the glare of embarrassing publicity?

It's all bollocks anyway. Some refuse around the country, carefully separated by taxpayers, is simply mixed up again and shipped off to India to be dumped in a landfill.

Councils are perpetrating a money making con on their local taxpayers wrt the rules about waste separation.

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  1. Spot on Ken!!

    It is important that we use any methods we have to shine the light of publicity onto these jobsworth cretins and to highlight the fact that most things the councils do are geared to making money.

    Just laugh at Hi-Viz.

  2. Archroy1:23 PM

    "Needless to say, now that the media have got involved, the council have realised they look like prats..."

    Every council official should have a little text over their desk (possibly in a nice poker-work frame) saying "How will my next decision look in the Daily Mail?"

  3. Lord of Atlantis3:37 PM

    Surely, leaves are organic material, and ideal for composting, without fear of any
    'contamination'? My own local authority are quite happy for leaves to be recycled in this manner.
    £1,000 fine? This is a tad draconian. isn't it? Real criminals often get fined far less than that!
    'Now here's where it gets really confusing, council guidelines state that grass cuttings, tree and shrub prunings, old plants and flowers, hedge clippings, weeds and leaves from residents' own gardens can be put into brown bins.'

    A clear case of the jobsworths on the council not knowing their a*** from their elbow?

    'Needless to say, now that the media have got involved, the council have realised they look like prats and council leader Mike Bird has called for a common sense approach.'

    Typical, as soon as the media start to lift the stones under which they can be found, the council very quickly backs off.

    'Why do councils only remember "commonsense" when they have been under the glare of embarrassing publicity?'

    Because so many people have become spineless sheep, that in many cases they can get away with this sort of BS. Like most bullies though, they quickly back off when someone stands up to them. To quote Corporal Jones of "Dad's Army", 'They don't like it up them, Sir!'

  4. microdave4:14 PM

    I believe the "contamination" was alleged to be oil/fuel and other vehicle deposits. So why not ban all cars/vans/trucks/buses etc, and there won't be a problem!

    I would love to see horse drawn council refuse trucks leaving piles of dung behind...

  5. Uncle John5:42 PM

    @microdave - IF leaves fallen from (Council owned) trees on Council owned land (the Highway) is 'contaminated', and deemed unfit to be composted - surely that Council has a 'Statutory Duty of Care' under EU Waste Directives to clean the environment?

    AND to take (reasonable) steps to prevent THEIR waste from further 'contaminating' nearby private property??

    That means - no blowing the leaves plus litter, plus toxic contaminants, onto peoples' gardens
