Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Booze Matters - How To Talk Bollocks With Statistics

Nanny's chums from Alcohol Concern (AC) have published a the results of a study that suggests that for every two off-licences per 100,000 population, one under-18 year-old was admitted to hospital for alcohol poisoning or intoxication between 2006 and 2009.

AC are using the results of the study to call for the restriction of the number of off licences.


No, not really.

Aside from the fact that the law clearly states that under 18's are not allowed to buy alcohol, ie the number of off licences is irrelevant when it comes to underage law breaking re booze buying, AC sweeps under the carpet an anomaly in the study.

Whilst the study claims to find a relationship between the density of off-licences and under-18 alcohol-related hospital admissions across England it does not find such a relationship in London, ie there was no statistical link for London.

London, for those of you who don't know, is actually quite a large place!

Also, rather ironically, a report from the NHS Information Centre "Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England 2010" shows that the proportion of 11-15 year olds who had never drunk alcohol increased from 39% in 2003 to 55% in 2010.

In addition, those that have tried alcohol appear to be drinking less. The proportion of pupils who drank alcohol in the last week fell from a peak of 26% in 2001 to 13% in 2010.

There you go folks, make of that what you will; you can do anything with statistics if you have a political or "moral" agenda.

However, the key point is this, off licence density (or rather regulating off licence density) is irrelevant. The law clearly states that under 18's are not allowed to buy booze, ie the means are in place already to deal with underage booze buying.

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  1. Tonk.1:29 PM

    Nanny needs to enforce current law rather than bring in even more silly laws.
    Nanny needs to stop traeting adults like children and stop treating children like adults.

    I heard yesterday on the state broadcaster that Nanny intends to make a surcharge to late bars and clubs of upto £4500 to pay for policing; this ignores a few facts;

    Firstly, the bars and clubs already pay rates and taxes which should cover the cost of the service.
    Secondly, during hard times, every additional cost for a business puts the future of that business in doubt.
    Thirdly, many businesses faced with this extra cost will just close with the loss of many jobs; each of these bars and clubs employ many people such as, managers, security, bar staff, cleaning staff, accountants etc etc.
    Lastly, the town center will have all its night life killed off and the whole local economy will decline.

    I heard a beard from an anti drink single issue group pontificating that this will not change people's behaviour and that big price increases is the only way to stop people drinking;
    Firstly, why does this Fanny Face feel that he should be able to dictate how others live their life, secondly, why does Nanny take notice of his ilk?

    I see the idiots in the LibDems, who are neither liberal nor democratic and should be sued under the trade descriptions act, want to introduce a local tax on each drink sold in pubs, clubs etc....Hello LibDumbs...The people will just drink more at home before going out and this will therefore have a similar effect on the business as the surcharge idea.

    Perhaps Nanny wants to destroy our pub, club and restuarant trades so that all we can do is work and pay more bloody tax!!!!

  2. Tonk.1:33 PM

    Sorry, I forgot to add that, if Nanny is allowed to add a surcharge to pubs and clubs for things they've already paid for, she may feel that because she got away with it once, she could bring in a similar surcharge to other areas she wants to modify peole's behaviour in such as fatty food, cars and roads, smoking, waste, extra pension costs etc etc.....It is a slippery road Nanny is taking us down.

  3. Adrian3:23 PM

    Three simple steps in statistical analysis:

    1. Determine the result you want.

    2. Phrase questions appropriate to achieving desired result

    3. Remove any "wrong" answers from your calculations.

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Yep, using the same template that was applied to we filthy smokers who warned everyone who supported the smoking ban of what was coming down the road.

    Expect to be vilified if you enjoy a drink two nights in a row (no safe level of alcohol), the cost of alcohol-related conditions to the State and pics of diseased livers (whose provenance is dodgy) on bottles. You'll know when you're one of the denormalised when people complain about the smell of alcohol.

