Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Nanny's Panic Over Scottish Independence

Nanny is in a right old panic over the Scottish referendum on independence, due to be held this Thursday. The polls, if they are to be trusted, show that the vote is too close to call.

A "Yes" vote was never in Nanny's plan when she allowed the vote to go ahead, for she thought that Scotland would vote "No".

Whatever the result, the fact that this has highlighted the dangers to Nanny of giving some people (not the English or Welsh) a say in how (not who by) they are governed means that there is no way on earth that Nanny will grant us the right to vote about our continued membership of the EU.

Oh, and whilst I think about it, if Scotland wants independence why does it want to stay in the EU?

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  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Scotland might want to remain in the EU because of 2 reasons:

    1. Scots might feel closer to the French and the Dutch than the English for obvious historical reasons.

    2. Greece, Portugal and so forth, as small nations have done very-nicely-thankyou parasitising off the fat nations such as Germany in the EU.

    I am a Scot who wants independence, get rid of the Hanoverian joke monarchy and a restoration of the Wittelsbach heir to the Jacobite throne.

    What does worry me, however, is that while I want an independent Scotland I don't want it at the cost of running down everything English: that is just plain childish.

    Richmond Mathewson.

    1. Errm Greece has all but fallen apart, eg youth unemployment 40% in 2012, and has had to take full "German imposed" austerity in order to borrow money to pay off its debt. As an independent sovereign state it has ceased to exist

  2. Lord of Atlantis1:34 PM

    I quite agree with you, Ken. Irrespective of the merits or otherwise of Scottish independence, I really fail to see how a "yes" vote is going to give them it, as the pro-independence lobby are committed to continued membership of the E.U. Perhaps, in the event of a "yes"vote, the new Scottish government will hold a referendum on their continued membership of the E.U? No, I didn't think so either!

    "Whatever the result, the fact that this has highlighted the dangers to Nanny of giving some people (not the English or Welsh) a say in how (not who by) they are governed means that there is no way on earth that Nanny will grant us the right to vote about our continued membership of the EU."

    Even without this issue of Scottish independence, does anyone seriously believe our illustrious leader will honour his promise to give us a free and fair vote on our E.U membership?

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Well, as the illustrious leader is a Scot who is busy shafting his own country (complete with crocodile tears) if I were English I would be trying to send him to sea in a collapsing boat like Nero's mother at the soonest opportunity that presented itself.


  3. The hope is that they will get more money from the EU than from England, a highly dubious but possible policy. Although it seems that our politicos are trying once more to use our English money to bribe the Scots. So much corruption all round.

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Dear Mr Frost

    That nice Mr Blair gave away a wedge of our rebate from the EU back in 2005 in exchange for nothing at all.

    I wondered at the time if this would be used to help persuade the Scots to become an autonomous region of the EU, in full accord with EU regional policy. They'll still be getting English money, but in a brown envelope saying 'from the EU' and some pretty little stars on it.

