Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Nanny Is Mother, Nanny Is Father

Nanny, as she lives on a different planet to the rest of us, sometimes finds it hard to understand why people try to resist her advice and her attempts to "help" us for "our own good".

What Nanny chooses to ignore is that her "advice" and offers of "help", more often than not, turn into direct interference in people's private/family life.

Take, for example, the issue of kids using social network sites such as Faecesbook.

Where they use these sites at school during lessons etc, it is perfectly correct that the teaching staff put a stop it it when it disrupts lessons etc. If is also perfectly reasonable that if there is substantial evidence of a kid being threatened/placed in danger by someone on these sites, that teaching staff raise the matter first with the parents.

However, where there is no evidence of wrongdoing or disruption to lessons it is not the role of the teaching staff/Nanny to dictate to parents what social networking sites the child may use in the privacy of the family home.

Step forward Paul Woodward, headmaster of St Whites School in the Forest of Dean, who believes that it is Nanny's role to do just that.

Woodward, who is also branch secretary of of the National Association of Head Teachers, recently demanded that the state ban children from setting up social media sites.

For why?

He is concerned that kids who use the sites risk being exposed to porn and online grooming. He went on to warn parents that if they persist in allowing their kids to flout Faecesbook 13+ age rule, then this would warrant an investigation by child protection teams; ie he threatened to report them.

That is a really shitty nasty little threat to make!

He is right that social networking sites can be misused. However, the internet as a whole can be misused; it is not exactly difficult to access porn on the net, or indeed on mobile phones.

The issue is not the state dictating, or in Woodward's case, threatening parents; but it is a matter of the parents determining the level of access to the internet that they grant their kids (if at all).

One might ask why a child needs a mobile phone, given that for the last few millennia children and indeed the human race have managed to survive perfectly well without them.

Children's access to the net, booze and fast food ete is, when in the domestic situation, a matter for parents to decide not union officials of the state to dictate!

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  1. I think there is something really sad about users of Facebook.
    Why would anyone want to give a running commentary of their lives to the world?
    Why would anyone want to know what other strangers are doing? Why would I want to know that some sad, lonely butt wipe is shopping for Savoy Cabbage in Tescos and why would I think its

    Kids should get out more and have the freedom I had as a child. Nanny has convinced dozy, paraniod parents that there are people evrywhere intent on taking their little Johhny away and harming him.....This is not the case; most harm comes from within the family.
    Sheltering kids from the real world and not letting them develop their commonsense, leaves them ill-prepared for life. My biggest concern is that today's kids will be tomorrow's parents and they will feel that the current Nanny type protection is the norm and it will then be repeated in the future......I would hate to be a kid growing up now.....No wonder so many are depressed and suicidal.

    This man sounds a right bossy boots and sounds as if he's empire building. I do agree with him in so far as Facebook only allows over 13s to register and perhaps parents are sending out the wrong message to their kids to just ignore this but, it takes a nasty, sad man to want to report people to the Social Services (The SS) for such a "crime."....I wonder if he has attended a common purpose training course?

  2. "Kids should get out more and have the freedom I had as a child."

    28 years ago I boarded a Quantas 747 and flew "downunder" for a months holiday. I had never set foot outside the UK mainland before, and hadn't flown in anything bigger than a light aircraft. It was certainly a pretty daunting experience, but I survived, and subsequently went back 4 years later to see what I had missed the first time!

    I didn't have a credit card (I had trouble getting one because I had NO credit rating, having never bought anything on tick). No mobile phone, no iPad, or laptop. No Farcebook, or Twatter. I could only communicate with my parents by the odd phone call, or hand written fax messages to dad's office. I took his SLR camera, but that was a conventional 35mm film job, and I had to wait till my return to see how the pictures came out.

    To quote the Monty Python sketch "You try and tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you."

  3. Lord of Atlantis1:59 PM

    "Nanny, as she lives on a different planet to the rest of us, sometimes finds it hard to understand why people try to resist her advice and her attempts to 'help' us for 'our own good'".

    Because, Ken, firstly her 'advice' is often based on threats and dictats, which one does not readily associate with a society
    that is (allegedly) free and based on democratic principles. (The fact that ours is becoming more and more of an elected dictatorship is to be abhored). Secondly, such advice is often flawed, if not downright bad.

    "Where they use these sites at school during lessons etc, it is perfectly correct that the teaching staff put a stop it it when it disrupts lessons etc. If is also perfectly reasonable that if there is substantial evidence of a kid being threatened/placed in danger by someone on these sites, that teaching staff raise the matter first with the parents."

    I agree with this, Ken, but alas, Nanny is rarely content to leave matters at this sensible point.

    "The issue is not the state dictating, or in Woodward's case, threatening parents; but it is a matter of the parents determining the level of access to the internet that they grant their kids (if at all)."

    Precisely, Ken, this is a parental duty, not the business of the state or of a headmaster to interfere or make threats.

    "One might ask why a child needs a mobile phone, given that for the last few millennia children and indeed the human race have managed to survive perfectly well without them."

    Exactly, Ken. Until a few years ago, the idea would have been absurd. I am in my 60s now, don't have a mobile phone and have no wish to have one, yet have managed and still do manage to have a full, active and happy life. I accept that they are very useful in emergencies, so may consider having one as I get older and frailer purely for that reason.

    "I think there is something really sad about users of Facebook.
    Why would anyone want to give a running commentary of their lives to the world?"

    As a user of facebook myself, Tonk, I don't altogether agree with you. However, irrespective of whether you are right or wrong, would you not accept that it is parents who should determine whether their children subscribe to facebook or any other website?

    "Kids should get out more and have the freedom I had as a child. Nanny has convinced dozy, paraniod parents that there are people evrywhere intent on taking their little Johhny away and harming him.....This is not the case; most harm comes from within the family.
    Sheltering kids from the real world and not letting them develop their commonsense, leaves them ill-prepared for life. My biggest concern is that today's kids will be tomorrow's parents and they will feel that the current Nanny type protection is the norm and it will then be repeated in the future......I would hate to be a kid growing up now.....No wonder so many are depressed and suicidal. This man sounds a right bossy boots and sounds as if he's empire building. I do agree with him in so far as Facebook only allows over 13s to register and perhaps parents are sending out the wrong message to their kids to just ignore this but, it takes a nasty, sad man to want to report people to the Social Services (The SS) for such a "crime."....I wonder if he has attended a common purpose training course?"

    I agree with you on these points, wholeheartedly! We have more technology to help us in life these days, but it has come at a cost. In many ways those were better times.

    1. Tonk.3:48 PM

      My Lord:

      """As a user of facebook myself, Tonk, I don't altogether agree with you. However, irrespective of whether you are right or wrong, would you not accept that it is parents who should determine whether their children subscribe to facebook or any other website?"""

      I do think parents are responsible for their children; it does seem to me that more and more parents seem to happily hand that responsibility over to the state all too freely.
      I do think parents should decide what is right or wrong for their kids and should decide when something is introduced to them be that Facebook or say, booze.
      My only point, in relation to Facebook, is that it is a condition of the user agreement that only persons over 13 years of age can use the facility.....If a parent encourages their child to just ignore this rule, what message does that send out to that child in relation to rules in general....Does it tell the kid rules/laws can be ignored?....What happens when that kid doesn't hand his homework in at school?....Is that OK given that his parent has shown him that rules can be ignored?....What happens in later life when he ignores the murder law?.......I know this opinion is perhaps over the top but, with every small breakdown in society makes the total breakdown more likely........I am in dispute with my own daughter at the moment because my middle grandchild, (aged 7)uses facebook and my daughter justifies this because all of the lad's friends are on it too......It is a difficult one.

      I do feel one size fits all is a daft policy but, at the present time, no other policy is there.......Everybody matures at different ages......I started shaving at eleven years of age whereas, most of my peers had some years to wait. I could get served booze in the pub at just turned thirteen but I was very mature for my age, but my parents went mad when they found out, even though I had sips of drink whilst indoors from a very early age from my parents. I am wandering now so I'll shut up and enjoy the sun:-)

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Following the success of Facebook and working on the fact that most people have more enemies than friends, I am thinking of creating the World’s first Anti-Social Networking site.

    People who you consider as being complete bastards can have their personal information uploaded along with the reasons why you think they should be there.
    Users will be sent information about people that they may want to hate, and anyone listed can be given a virtual kicking.

    I was thinking of calling it Cuntface, but that may pose a problem when I float the company on the stock market. So Faceslap may be a better option.

    Paul Woodward will be one of the first on the site, as he sounds like a right nasty fucker.

  5. Agree with you comments, all of them. I think nanny's problem is that she don't understand what the internet is or even basic phsycology. She seems to see the internet as something that can be controlled by the state and that making a law means that it will be effective. Non of tbis is true, how will the government know a kid is on facebook, the kid will just create a profile with an age of 20 , and so will it's mates and the fact that it is not allowed will get some kids on to facebook just to prove they can. I do wish nanny would but out of our lives, she is just making things worse.
