Oh dear it seems a cartoon meme (Pepe the Frog) has drawn the ire of some Nannys, who have decreed it to be evil.
Online cartoon Pepe the Frog has been added to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)'s database of hate symbols.
The anti-bigotry group said "racists and haters" had "taken a popular internet meme and twisted it".
Therein lies the problem with ADL's "logic". It is not the cartoon image itself that is racist or evil, but certain variations of it created by bigots and racists.
Hence, if they want to ban something, ADL should focus on the perversions of Pepe not the original frog itself.
Something that ADL has now admitted (after thinking a bit more on the subject).
As per the BBC:
"The ADL has clarified that most Pepe memes are not racist, and that innocent versions will not be subject to the hate symbol designation.So what exactly was the point of designating it in the first place then?
"The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist."
Oh, and for the record, I have never heard of Pepe until ADL kicked up a fuss over it!
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