Nanny Knows Best
Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Golden Wonder Security Video - Resurrected
Re yesterday's article about Golden Wonder Security, it seems that the original video was removed by YouTube.
Fear ye not, I have found the same video, on another portal.
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Big Brother Is Watching You - The Dangers of Tweeting
Those of you who are fellow Tweeters (my Tweet id is @ken_frost) may care to read the following cautionary tale about what happens when you make a seemingly innocent Tweet, and it is read by others who are not your friends or followers.
Leigh Van Bryan and Emily Bunting are two Brits who were planning to go on holiday to the USA recently.
Being born after Queen Victoria died, they were happily tweeting about their anticipated holiday and used language that "young" people regularly use about partying and drinking etc.
In one tweet Van Bryan said:
"Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America."
"Destroy" means party.
In another he quoted Family Guy (a US cartoon), and said:
"3 weeks today, we're totally in LA p****** people off on Hollywood Blvd and diggin' Marilyn Monroe up!"
Can you guess what happened next children?
Yes, that's right, when they arrived in the USA the Department of Homeland Security (who had been monitoring their tweets) had them held by armed guards, searched them for shovels and questioned them for 5 hours after which they were put in cells overnight and flown back to the UK.
Seemingly one of the Homeland Security people said:
"You’ve really fucked up with that tweet, boy.”
In theory profiling potential terrorists and criminals etc is the "smart" thing to do. However, the effectiveness of profiling is rather undermined if the people doing the profiling don't even seem to understand their own "culture" (eg not knowing the vernacular meaning of "destroy", or references to "Family Guy").
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Monday, January 30, 2012
Golden Wonder and Hi Vis - UPDATED
As I know that many of my loyal readers hold the wearers of Hi Vis in particularly "fond" and "high" regard, I thought that you may appreciate this video of an altercation between some Hi Vis wearing security guards outside a Golden Wonder factory in Scunthorpe and a local photographer (known as "Hamst") who was trying to take a picture of the building for his site "Visit Scunthorpe".
The Hi Vis wearers are less than pleased, and shower Hamst with threats and abuse (at one point, one of them encourages a colleague to run him down with a car).
I reproduce Hamst's account of his encounter in full below:
"As many people will be aware over the years I have travelled around the town taking photographs of buildings, streets, people, event and many other scenes. I started many years ago both taking and collecting photographs although the vast majority of my images come from the past 4 to five years. I’ve built up quite a library containing thousands of pictures for posterity, a historical record and to use in various articles of local interest of which can be testament to.
A couple of years ago I was challenged whilst taking photo’s at a local under 14’s football match in which my son was taking part. I’d taken photo’s at numerous matches over the years and posted them to the football teams web page on Facebook, something which had caused no bother and the players loved tagging themselves and using them as profile pictures, both my sons team and the opposition. However, after this challenge and thinking I had gone some way to reassure the parent that there was no malice intended I thought I should look deeper into the law and photography within the UK than I previously had.
After hours of research and reading I though I’d gained enough knowledge and understanding to know where I stood within the law should I ever be confronted again, although I don’t profess to be an outright expert.
Last year that knowledge was put to the test whilst I was passing the hospital and decided to take a few pictures to add to my library. The details of that can be read via this link;
Late last year I was over at the Normanby Park and Foxhills Industrial Estates taking photo’s of various businesses and on the whole whilst there was some curiosity by some security guards manning the gates the only ones that queried what I was doing were at the Two Sisters plant. Although they weren’t too pleased with me taking pictures and originally tried to prevent me they conceded I was within my rights, overall the encounter I had with them was quite amicable.
On Tuesday 17th January I decided I would travel the Midland Road Industrial Estate via Cottage Beck Road to take some photographs of industry around this area. Passing the Golden Wonder plant I though it would be a good opportunity to take a few shots of the site, it quickly became clear I wasn’t welcome. I was stood on the road outside the site when a security officer approached. I switched my camera to video mode to record the encounter to protect both myself and the security guards from future false accusations. The footage can be seen above.
Obviously the conduct and tactics used by the two security officers has to be in question.
At 04:53 an employee, who can be seen just walking past, is getting into a car behind me can be heard saying, “I’ll run him over ” to which the female officer actively encourages her by saying, “you do that,” that’s when I moved onto the path.
What also aggrieves me is that someone in a uniform representing a company in an apparent position of authority can try and intimidate members of the public by making up laws that don’t exist. This seemed to be an attempt to subjugate a member of the public into accepting what was being told was to be true. Further more hurling offensive insults and puerile slander, like seen at the end of the video, surely isn’t something that someone in that position should resort to.
In conclusion I take their actions to be an exception to the standard practise employed by the many fine security officers up and down the country and I can only assume these two individuals actions are not characteristic of the rest of the security team at Golden Wonder."
Those of you with sharp eyes will have noticed that the video (that worked perfectly yesterday) has now been taken down by YouTube.
Fear not, here it is in all its glory!
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Gene Genie
Oh dear, I see some tired old Victorian theory about criminality being hereditary and determined by bumps on the head etc, has been dredged up and dressed in 21st century "genetic theory" to make it more plausible.
A University of Texas study recently published in the Criminology journal claims that, although there is no single gene which causes criminal behaviour, there are "probably" a wide range which play a small part in raising or lowering our chances of offending.
Dr J.C. Barnes, one of the co-authors, claims that there are thousands of genes that will incrementally (1%) increase the likelihood of being involved in a crime.
The trouble with research such as this is that, although scientists usually can grasp how probabilities and risk factors work and how significant or not they really are, politicians and the media know fark all about them and immediately work on the premise that an increase in risk/probability means "definitely will occur".
Cue calls by dog whistle politicians and the shouty media for a massive DNA database!
Oh hang on a minute, we're halfway there already aren't we?
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Joy of Fry Ups
Wonderful news everyone!
The British Medical Journal has decreed that fry ups are no longer bad for you.
It appears that the health issue (if there really is one) lies not with the constituents of fry ups, but the oil in which they are fried.
A study published in the BMJ found no association between the frequency of fried food consumption in Spain - where olive and sunflower oils are mostly used - and the incidence of serious heart disease.
Needless to say the British Heart Foundation had a mild seizure over this, and has warned us not to reach for the frying pans "yet".
Well they would say that wouldn't they?
Professor Michael Leitzmann of the University of Regensburg in Germany said
"Taken together, the myth that frying food is generally bad for the heart is not supported by available evidence."
As I have stated many times before on this site, the body is a like a car engine it needs oil in it in order to ensure that the blood flows smoothly through the veins;)
As ever with food and drink, so long as you eat and drink a variety of foods/drinks then a blow out every once in while will not do you any harm. It is the constant haranguing by Nanny and the "health" industry that raises the blood pressure and stress levels, not the occasional fry up!
Now where's my pan?
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Bin Brother - Health and Safety
Oh dear, I see that Nanny's health and safety brigade are on the march again.
Kirklees Council have decreed that a binman must not cross Almondbury bank to pick up a bag of rubbish.
For why?
In the eyes of the council the road is too dangerous to cross.
Henceforth the binmen must empty bins one side at time.
Children and pensioners safely cross the quiet street.
Yet binmen, with hi viz jackets, are not allowed to!
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health and safety,
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Monday, January 23, 2012
Shortlisted For Accountancy Personality of The Year
My thanks to PQ Magazine for placing me on the shortlist for their 2012 awards, in the category of “Accountancy Personality of Year“.
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House of Commons Menus Galore
Those of you who wonder why our elected representatives are so fat, may consider that it is because they are able to dine so well at our expense:
Menu - 6th Floor Cafe (
PDF 867 KB)
Menu - Adjournment (
PDF 80 KB)
Menu - Bellamys (
PDF 216 KB)
Menu - Churchill Dining Room (
PDF 172 KB)
Menu - Debate (
PDF 75 KB)
Menu - Jubilee Cafe (
PDF 171 KB)
Menu - Members' Dining Room (
PDF 206 KB)
Menu - Members' Tea Room (
PDF 165 KB)
Menu - Moncrieffs (
PDF 256 KB)
Menu - Portcullis Cafeteria (
PDF 427 KB)
Menu - Pugin Room Bar (
PDF 193 KB)
Menu - Strangers' Dining Room (
PDF 205 KB)
Menu - Terrace Cafeteria (
PDF 147 KB)
Breakfast menu - 6th Floor Cafe (
PDF 218 KB)
Breakfast menu - Adjournment (
PDF 79 KB)
Breakfast menu - Bellamys (
PDF 152 KB)
Breakfast menu - Members' Tea Room (
PDF 97 KB)
Breakfast menu - Portcullis Cafeteria (
PDF 316 KB)
Breakfast menu - Terrace Cafeteria (
PDF 131 KB)
However, some members still feel they need a larger discount!
Complaint about service in the Palace of Westminster (
PDF 250 KB)
Complaint about food and service in the Palace of Westminster (
PDF 106 KB)
General complaints about catering in the Palace of Westminster (
PDF 196 KB)
Complaint about food in the Palace of Westminster (
PDF 41 KB)
Complaint about value for money in the Palace of Westminster (
PDF 189 KB)
General complaints about catering in 7 Millbank (
PDF 337 KB)
General complaints about catering in the Northern Estate (
PDF 268 KB)
Generic complaints about catering (
PDF 377 KB)
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However, some members still feel they need a larger discount!
Complaint about service in the Palace of Westminster (

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