A loyal readers have known for a very long time, Britain has a very heavy handed Nanny.
Now comes proof of what we already knew, statistics put together by the Institute of Economic Affairs show that Britain is the third worst country in the European Union for nanny state regulation.
The 2016 Nanny State Index,
published today, shows that on Finland and Sweden are more meddling that British Nanny. by the Institute of Economic Affairs, gave every EU
country a score out of 100 according to how it regulates private
lifestyle choices on alcohol, food, soft drinks, tobacco and
Here is the table of Nannyism as per the Telegraph.
Here is the table of Nannyism as per the Telegraph.

Finland is the EU's number one Nanny state thanks to its taxes on chocolate, soft drinks, alcohol and tobacco. Finland also has an outright ban on e-cigarettes, a ban on happy hours and heavy restrictions on advertising.
No link between regulation and longer life expectancy was found.
Countries with heavy regulation of alcohol do not have lower rates of drinking, and countries with heavy regulation of tobacco do not have lower rates of smoking.
Christopher Snowdon, head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:
“The obvious conclusion is that nanny state regulation does not work.”Exactly!
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