Nanny has found another nice way to screw us for money, that's nice!
Nanny has instructed local councils to fine householders for putting out a single bag of rubbish at the wrong time.
Nanny has produced an "enforcement manual" (pass the sick bag someone), which will be distributed to local councils. The manual instructs local councils to implement a "zero tolerance" policy on waste collection.
On-the-spot penalties of around £100 must be levied on those who leave their rubbish out early, or fail to close the lid of their wheelie bin properly.
Oh yes, this is going to go down so well!
So far, Nanny has fined 44,000 people £100 for "crimes" such as leaving their rubbish out on the wrong day or putting out black bags next to their wheelie bins.
The Government manual claims a single bag left out for a few days at the end of the road can attract other litter as well as rats, foxes and seagulls.
The Environment Department document advises bin inspectors (bin inspectors!!!!!!!????) that:
"A single full bin bag upwards would constitute a fly-tip."
Nanny is well aware that people are going to be pissed off, and has given some "helpful" advice to her lackeys in the local councils.
The document tells bin enforcers to be alert for the signs a person is getting angry.
According to the Environment Department, these include "changes in breathing patterns, the throbbing vein in the temple, the opening and closing of their fist, increased tension in the face or body".
The document advises staff:
"Let them know that this behaviour is not acceptable, e.g. 'I am not prepared to carry on this interview whilst you are calling me a w***er and a jobsworth. Are you prepared to stop doing this/I am requesting that you stop this behaviour'."
It adds:
"You will probably meet plenty of barrack room lawyers when you are going about your duties.
As a matter of course, you will technically be interfering with an individual's freedom, but this is not the same as infringing their human rights.
After a confrontation, staff are told that it is "important to offload what has happened".
"You can do this by screaming and shouting (in a safe place)."
If this wasn't so serious, it would be laughable.
As Nanny says herself, this is interfering with our freedom.
How are your throbbing veins?
Nanny is hoping to provoke reaction from victims of her bin inspectors....Then she can fine them again....Kerching.
ReplyDeleteWhen are we British going to grow balls again and tell Nanny no...enough is enough. We and indeed Nanny forgets...These paper hats in local authorities are supposed to be working for and accountable to us.
The tail is wagging the dog.
Makes you proud to be British doesn't it.
"After a confrontation, staff are told that it is "important to offload what has happened. You can do this by screaming and shouting (in a safe place)."
ReplyDeleteAnd, no doubt informing the rossers about their (the public's) unreasonable behaviour in getting p****d off about this zero tollerance on waste disposal.
What's the betting that the police won't be 'too busy' to send a whole squad down to deal with anyone who has had the timerity to complain about this waste disposal policy, and prosecute them with the full weight of the law, whilst real crime is ignored. It is the latter that the authorities should be pursuing with zero tollerance.
Someone should point out to these tossers that they are public servants, supposed to be working for the benefit of the public, not members of a bleeding gestapo unit!
With Frau EU Nanny telling little English Nanny to implement the landfill directive via bin taxes to 'reduce waste' - I once joked that there would be 'bin police' another useless layer of nanny bureacracy for us to deal with.
ReplyDeleteLo, it has come to pass and while we remain in the grip of this hideous soviet style political construct there is much more to come.
Argue with the bin police and I'll bet the 'real' plod will turn up pronto (as this is a serious crime after all) and you will be banged up, fingerprinted, dna sampled and stored on a police database, later to be lost, or sold off to whatever crim outfit can bung the right plod.
Again I say fight back, video, camcord the bastards, refuse to cooporeate on any level, challenge it in court, speak to a lawyer. Moaning about it now is not enough.
ReplyDeleteIn a dsipute with my local council I reminded the pencil squeezer on the other end of the phone (in a polite and reasoned fashion) that he had better get to grips with the reality of the situation in that he works to serve me in his capacity as a public servant. This shocked the poor boy so I explained slowly that as a self employed person I am working for my clients as such I have to treat them with respect and ensure they are happy with my service.
Once he was put in his place he was much more agreeable to deal with, the high handed bs gone (a reminder that one would like to speak to the manager and all council jobsworths have a manger of some sort) helps in this matter I have found I was able to insist that the council dug out the proof of the 'missing' council tax they were alleging and not me having to do the work.
Amazingly, a letter came back saying it had been a mistake on the councils part.
Challenge them politely let them know where they stand in the real world relationship between 'service provider' and customer and tie the bastards up in knots, works every time.
they we're going to do me for this saying I needed to put my rubbish in a wheelbin.
ReplyDeleteWhen I explained the bin was stolen they said I could 'purchase' a new one for £25
they didn't comment when I asked if I should report the theft to the local police
ReplyDeleteNot too long ago, your post claiming the existence of such animal life as 'bin inspectors' who were oficially advised that they should practice 'screaming and shouting' would have caused a bit of mirth, since it would have been assumed that you were taking the piss.
Sadly, things have come to such a pass that we now accept this sort of bollocks as just a bit more evidence of the insane arrogance of Nanny and her minions.
The other side of the coin is - of course - that it's not Nanny who's insane, it's the rest of us.
As number 6 so rightly says, "Moaning about it now is not enough". Now she's got the bit between her teeth Nanny is not going to stop all this bloody nonsense just because a few bloggers get a little tetchy about her demolition of our freedom.
Revolution now (and if not now, when)?
"According to the Environment Department, these include "changes in breathing patterns, the throbbing vein in the temple, the opening and closing of their fist, increased tension in the face or body"."
ReplyDeleteJESUS H. CHRIST...
Every time I think I've heard it all, I go onto this fine site and end up with my jaw on the floor!
What the f**k has happened to this once fine country! :o(
Stephen Gallagher, North London
Number 6:
ReplyDeleteWell said, we must put these public servants back in their place...They forget that, if Nanny didn't employ them, most would not be able to get jobs as most are as much use as chocolate fireguards and certainly of no use in the real commercial world.
I too am currently in dispute with local Nanny....I have just applied to renew my blue disabled parking badge....usually no problem....however, Westminster Nanny via the Department of Transport, has decided that too many disabled people are getting this free badge and therefore it is being abused so goal posts have been moved. So my renewl has been refused...I have appealed and the irony is that I am using Nanny's own stick to beat her with in the guise of "The Good Decision Tree" ....don't ask, I don't know what it means either but, I would call it a flow chart that indicates if a decision is correct.
You know the type...Does such and such happen, if yes...if no...etc etc. She even tried to charge me for it until I pointed out her own code of practice states that there should be no cost to the applicant....That did it...One more local Nanny re-educated.
I wonder if the real reason for cutting down the number of blue badge holders is anything to do with loss of income....No fines for parking on yellow lines and no fines for not displaying tickets in car parks as here, blue badge holders park for free....No Kerching for Nanny...her till is silent....must be driving her mad....Perfect!!
“According to the Environment Department, these include "changes in breathing patterns, the throbbing vein in the temple, the opening and closing of their fist, increased tension in the face or body".
ReplyDeleteThe document advises staff:
"Let them know that this behaviour is not acceptable, e.g. 'I am not prepared to carry on this interview whilst you are calling me a w***er and a jobsworth. Are you prepared to stop doing this/I am requesting that you stop this behaviour'."
It adds:
"You will probably meet plenty of barrack room lawyers when you are going about your duties.
As a matter of course, you will technically be interfering with an individual's freedom, but this is not the same as infringing their human rights.
After a confrontation, staff are told that it is "important to offload what has happened".
"You can do this by screaming and shouting (in a safe place)." “
Ok Ken I’m not quite sure if this part of the post is real or fictitious. Being in the US I know we have things better than you poor people in the UK,, and I do know things over there are bad, but what the hell is going on over there? I keep thinking that we should have a revolution and go back to the original laws placed when our country started, admittedly a few changes, but not many, but you poor English, what is it going to take before you realize that you’ve got to start off from scratch? And please tell me that that bit is a joke. I’ve been to long a reader of this site to be completely sure. Usually I’d read your posts and think great 2 years from now I’m going to have to deal with this, but I have to admit this is going over the top especially that bit about “the throbbing vein in the temple”.
Bin inspectors. You could see it coming and a lot more.
ReplyDeleteIf only rubbish collection could be prised out of the hands of local councils and passed wholly-owned to the private sector. There’s no way the private sector would be allowed to threaten and punish its customers because of how their service is used. Plus it would probably stimulate a market for innovative technology to address the landfill issues.
And are they going to pay a fine to me when I put out my bin on the right day, and they don't turn up until the next day, as happened a couple of weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for shutting the lids of the wheelie bins - I live on the route to three schools. The kids go along the room eating crisps and other snacks, drinking cans and bottles of drink, and then lift the lid of the nearest bin to dispose of the empties. Which actually is better than just dropping them as litter. But they often then leave the lid open, and will certainly do so for fun once they know about this latest nasty little fine.
I frequently wonder what I pay my council tax for. I certainly don't get much back for it.
The French Army always used to back out of revolutions once rubbish and chamber-pots were emptied over their heads.
ReplyDeleteThey had the wisdom to know that these things meant the revolution had won, and they had no further part to play.
When will we have our own dirty protest?
Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it going to take for the English to rise up against this oppression?? Every day England gets worse - you are PAST a police state now.
I'm Scottish and I apologise for what Bliar and Brown have done to England.
Only YOU, the English citizen, can undo the mess. Writing about how bad things are won't help.
And don't expect the Tories to roll back all of Nanny's new laws and taxes, that is just naive.
RISE UP for fuck's sake!!! Start protests/riots... the French do it.
What is going to be the final straw? Your wives requiring permits to get pregnant? It seems you will now even need a permit to fucking SMOKE down there!!
ReplyDeleteBravo for browbeating nanny with her own bullshit. I believe we should have massive civil disobedience in this country to get our point across.
A great place to start would be a mass witholding of council tax - if enough people did it for just a couple of months I guarantee nanny would collapse and not even a bottle of extra strength smelling salts would bring her round.
Trouble is, a few doing it are easy to prosecute thousands harder millions impossible.
Stephen Gallagher said, "What the f**k has happened to this once fine country!":
ReplyDeletetonk said, "When are we British going to grow balls again and tell Nanny no...enough is enough":
number 6 said, "Moaning about it now is not enough":
I said, "Revolution now (and if not now, when)"?:
pietr asked, "When will we have our own dirty protest?":
Anonymous (2:21) urged us to, "RISE UP for fuck's sake!!! Start protests/riots... the French do it.... What is going to be the final straw"?
There is a growing pattern here - of more and more people expressing anger at Nanny's increasing interference in their lives: the erosion of more and ever more of our individual freedoms. There also seems to be an increasing sense of frustration that Nanny carries on with her project of enslaving us Brits without the slightest conern about us raising our puny little voices in protest.
For Christ's sake! If we, a bunch of articulate, educated and cocerned citizens are not prepared to get off our arses and raise EFFECTIVE resistance to these fascist bastards, who can we rely on to do so?
The time is fast approaching when - instead of sitting at our keyboards, congratulating ourselves and each other on our amazing insight into the workings of Gay Gordon's Government - we are actually going to have to take some real action.
When?; as Anon asked, what will be the final straw?