Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nanny Bans Coffee Again!

In December 2010 I wrote the following:
"I see that the health and safety gestapo have identified another "threat" to children. This time the "threat" comes in the form of tea and coffee served at "coffee mornings" hosted in childrens' centres.

Mill Hill Children's Centre, Waterlooville Hampshire, is the latest childrens' centre to fall under the jackboot of the health and safety brigade. Despite having served tea and coffee to adults, who take their kids there for some 7 years (for an entry fee of £1), hot drinks are now banned (ironically the £1 charge remains!).

The fact that people drink tea and coffee at home seems to have escaped Nanny, as does the fact that the risk of a kid having a cup of coffee dropped on him/her is considerably less than the risk of the kid being injured in a car crash whilst being driven to a "coffee morning".

Well here we are in March 2012 and I see that the health and safety gestapo have again donned their jackboots and banned coffee yet again.

Nanny's chums from Warwickshire County Council recently sent "officers" to a mum's and children's playgroup called "Coffee and Play" at Stratford-upon-Avon and have ordered the group to change its name to "Baby Play" and banned the serving of coffee and biscuits.

The coffee has been banned because of "health and safety" rules, and the group has been told to serve breadsticks and fruit instead of biscuits (for "health" reasons).

The group has been running for five years, and not one child has yet been injured by coffee. However, the council gestapo are adamant; coffee is banned!

Vicky Kersey, children’s centre officer at the county council said:
To minimise any risk of scalding a child we have introduced a hot drinks policy at all of the county's children's centres."
As I noted in 2010:
"The fact that people drink tea and coffee at home seems to have escaped Nanny, as does the fact that the risk of a kid having a cup of coffee dropped on him/her is considerably less than the risk of the kid being injured in a car crash whilst being driven to a "coffee morning".
Warwickshire County Council should be told to fuck off!

Councils are the enemies of the people!

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  1. It is bullying plain and simple.

    The state goes to a private meeting and dictates what can and can't be drunk and what can and can't be eaten......Hello, we are in England aren't we?.....We've not been taken over by the old Soviet Union or China have we?....actually we haven't because they had more freedom and less state interference than we appear to have now.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The playgroup should keep their name and serve iced coffee.

    As far as biscuits go, a letter to the manufacturers informing them that the local council has deemed their products as unhealthy should start the ball rolling.

  3. Lord of Atlantis2:40 PM

    This is the same local authority which I have to 'thank' for the withdrawal of evening bus services in Rugby, which means, as I do not drive, if I go out somewhere, and want to come back after 7.20pm that I have to invest in a taxi. They have also reduced expenditure on other even more essential services, yet money is never any problem for elf'n'safety bull's excrement, such as this. Why, oh why, cannot someone turn around to these jobsworths and prodnoses, and tell them tomind their own business?
    Oh, and for the record, I do not drink tea or coffee myself, for religious reasons, but I would defend to the death the right of others to do so.

  4. My wife would not believe me until I have led her to the computer and forced her to confirm that this is the gospel truth, in the country that gave the world modern civilisation.

    Beyond bizarre.

  5. JennyR2:57 PM

    The worst thing about this whole sorry affair is the responses in the Stratford paper, which were largely supportive. H&S isn't the problem - it's all the imbecilic healthier-than-thou sorts who encourage it. We see this sort of zero-risk mentality more and more in the states as well. A good friend, who seems otherwise sane, actually tore out a couple of healthy rose bushes from the garden of her new property lest her young children fall into a bush and get scratched. Unfortunately, sensible parents are fighting a losing battle: at a baby shower a few weeks ago, I saw a soft helmet intended to protect baby while crawling and taking his first steps. That's right, a crawling safety helmet. I don't know why we don't just deliver them straight into a bubble.
